I hear what your saying though KS and for most part I agree but its the core foundational doctrines that I'm assuming will changeas time moves along. Will the WTS stick to its old doctrines in spite for example 100 years has past since 1914 and nothing relevant has happened as the WTS proclaimed it would.????
They've already begun: the pubs are becoming more simplistic, not based on hard-core theology; it's obvious they've done studies of what "sells", so to speak, and have tweaked the format, pix, etc to improve readability and drop the language to that of a 2nd grader.
One must remember that the WTS. has to keep on substantiating and validating themselves as god's solemnly chosen organization .
Having a long stream of failed prophecies going back more than 100 years doesn't exactly help in this regard.
In fact it superposes the perceived notion that the WTS. is a trifle fraud organization thats more concerned about the proliferation and circulation of its published goods.
You're such a cute baby, giving your fellow man more credit than they deserve.... Coochie, coochie, coo....
OK, so how can I saw this without sounding pompous? Probably no way, so I'll just say it:
I've met some of the people in my relatives' congregation, grown up around JWs, and they're not exactly concerned with the lack of logic, the flips in policy, etc. Most are uneducated, many on welfare, and some barely speak the language, etc. A few have mental challenges.
Frankly, if they weren't a JW, they'd have NOTHING. Their membership in JW is NOT holding them back from going to college, pursuing a career, etc, because it's just not going to happen. They are in, and remain in, the JWs for a good reason....
Not ALL are like that, mind you, but enough.