Hello Ros,
A very enlightening post, thank you.
The WTS when discussing the definitions of what constitutes always draws attention to the ‘charismatic’ leader as its first definition. In the opening paragraph, from Masada to Jonestown, an illustration is invariably applied that paints a horrendous tale of humans following other humans into oblivion.
The WTS of course, prides itself in having no ‘human’ leader, and in this perpetrates a gross fraud on its adherents and the public.
The WTS *is*, Theo Jarascz. He is also supported by a pair of clones with minimalist personalities.
When Knorr was breathing his whining thunder around the corridors of power, it was he and his henchman, the Nostradamus of Brooklyn, Frederick Franz who *were* the WTS. Jarascz, like a hungry jackal bided his time and power fell into his hands when Raymond Franz was buried. He took the wheel and pressed the gas pedal as he aimed at an image of himself.
Anyone who has been an elder for any length of time, will support the view that a body of elders is just a cameo of the larger GB picture. One or two ‘strong’ ( read ignorant and churlish ) elders run the show, the others are content to have a little human glory, while not getting terribly political.
Brooklyn is a place of politics, not spirit. Watching the hapless minions fawn and splutter around Mrs Jarascz as I did a while ago, would put to rest any qualms about cult definitions.
The GB may have tried hard to disjoint itself from the maverick ‘Rutherford’ era, when they were by all technical definitions a cult, but the reality is that though the leopard has carefully painted over its spots, it roars with the same sound.