Sorry!! Another Daily Mail Article -Harassment at work JW's again!!!!

by cantleave 39 Replies latest social current

  • cedars

    Proof if proof were needed that:

    • Jehovah's Witnesses can be vile and bigoted thugs, and
    • Cantleave just LOVES reading the Daily Mail!


  • witnomore

    How awful! Not all, but many JWs feel it is okay to cheat and mistreat "worldly" people, afterall "they are going to die at armegeddon anyway". This is a quote from my ex sister in law, a JW.

  • InquiryMan

    sorry, I did not mean three years, but rather three decades... as a JW. Still, I never felt that such way of treating others were a common trait of witnesses, not at all... Rather one tried to put one’s best behaviour when having to deal with non-witnesses, trying to bear witness....

  • carla

    The best anti witness are the jw's themselves.

  • cantleave
    Cantleave just LOVES reading the Daily Mail!

    F*(& 0££ Cedars

  • InquiryMan

    Honestly, I do not understand that, whereas I strongly disagree with the Watchtower society and their ways/doctrines, I feel no need whatsoever to bash individual witnesses by juding them as a group based on what some witnesses might have done or not...

    I´ve put that group mentality categorization behind... We are all individuals, whether JWs, former JWs, non-JWs or whatever colour, sexual orientation or nationality....

  • besty

    contact details for Hebburn (Jarrow) KH here;

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Well i'll be darned! Evidently i am gay! And all it took was two Jehovahs witnesses to inform me...

    JWs can be such dip shits at work. One i eventually met made such an ass of himself that when i told the interviewer of the job i was after that i was JW he flatly refused to grant the interview!

    serves them right... the world needs to see these shmucks for what they are, not better than, in fact worse than a good many that they look down on


  • slimboyfat

    This sort of behaviour honestly surprises me because I don't believe most JWs I know are like that. But I guess the work environment can entail disturbing dynamics generally, especially where there is an in group and an out group among colleagues. The part about calling non-Witnesses pagans rings true though, because I have heard some Witnesses use that term.

  • Soldier77

    I'll tell you this from working for a witness when I was 18. The guy ran a construction company and was an MS in the local congregation I attended. At the hall he was charismatic, funny, helpful and generous.

    Then I went to work for him. He was a complete asshole. He swore like a sailor, cheated his guys out of overtime pay, worked us like dogs each day, yelled at us like we were idiots and was a different person altogether.

    So yes, JWs live double lives. They have their "witness" mode at the hall, in service and get togethers. Then you have the "work" mode, i.e. "worldly".

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