It's Time to Pull the Plug on the Watchtower Cult: Are YOU Willing To Do YOUR Part?

by headisspinning 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • headisspinning

    To all of my friends on JWN:

    As you know, very big things are happening in regards to the Watchtower on a weekly and even daily basis. They have stepped up their hatred towards those who have left, strengthened their stranglehold on those still stuck in and continued with their harmful policies that damage families, protect pedophiles and sacrifice children. Outsiders are now really paying attention. The media is running stories on the WT's brainwashing videos aimed at preschoolers and the law is casting judgment with landmark judgements against the Watchtower. Now even rogue groups like Anonymous are paying attenting and have set the Watchtower in its sights.

    Are YOU personally willing to do YOUR part?

    Now is the time for us to organize. Whatever your own personal talent might be, please put your fears aside and STAND UP!

    Remember - Fear is a very powerful tool used by the Watchtower to control you. The only way to conquer them is to take their power away. It is time to pull the plug on the Watchtower.

    Are YOU ready?

    Anonymous has made contact and asked for our help.

    What does that mean?

    It can be as simple as sharing a video like this one:

    Or either of these:

    Anonymous : Candace Conti won against the Watchtower NBC DATELINE: Expose on Jehovah Witnesses Pedophile Cover-Up (Part 2 of 2)

    Are you a blogger or do you have a website? Why not share the videos and also cover the efforts that people are making as shown in the videos below?:

    #Watchtower protest Jehovah's Resistance: Watchtower Protects Pedophiles #1 ?Jehovah's Resistance: Watchtower Protects Pedophiles #2? OR if none of those options appeal to you, please join us on Facebook on the Candace Conti Group and we can give you more suggestions and/or assignments. If you have very strong computer skills, please let us know that too because Anonymous needs your help. Every single little effort that each one of us makes can really add up. NOW is the time to act!

  • Shawn10538

    I'm always up for activism.

  • kimbo
    1 Corinthians 15:58
  • DT

    The iron is hot, now is the time to strike. It's like a perfect storm of bad news for the Watchtower Society. It doesn't take any special skills, just commenting on news stories or sharing on Twitter or Facebook is a big help.

  • flipper

    I've already stated on another thread I'd be willing to go undercover to help anonymous and infiltrate Patterson if they need me. It's time to rock and roll

  • leavingwt

    I pulled the plug in 2008.

    Get busy living or get busy dying.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Since history is a great teacher, I'd like to know the last cult that got shut down that wasn't run out of a barn.

    No offense, but my view is to act in the following order:

    1. Leave (via disfellowshipping or resigning)
    2. Heal. Get help if you need it. Don't be self destructive
    3. Learn about yourself. Discover who you really are, and what makes you happy.
    4. Dont apologize for your happiness. Decide to be happy in your own skin and pursue it.
    5. Understand and accept the fact that there will always be people who will join cults, and that there will always be people who will start and maintain them.
    6. Understand that getting rid of one cult will still leave hundreds of others. Therefore.....
    7. Be a light. Let your life leave the footprints for others to find.

    Such a great lesson from the book Moby Dick: don't chase what bit you. Understand the shark will bite others. Don't waste your life trying to bring down what gravity will eventually. Speak up when appropriate, be truthful and honest. But honestly, there is no substitute for a life well lived. Your being really happy is the one thing the leadership of JWs can't fight against.

  • mythreesons

    leavingwt - one of my all time favorite quotes...- shawshank redemption

    AllTimeJeff - very well put. Love the moby dick reference.

  • jamiebowers

    While I agree with LW and ATJ, I also think that there isn't a thing in the world wrong with encouraging and/or participating in exposing child molesters and the organizations that protect them. The Watch Tower probably won't fall if the pedophile database is obtained and published, but it will go a long way in validating past victims and prevent future victims.

  • biometrics

    I hope they release the list. I also hope the list encourages victims to seek compensation form the Watchtower.

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