The front page of the site (sorry, but I won't give them a clickable link that may help their search engine rankings) has a section that says this:
Your Personal Invitation
Would you like to have a personal home Bible study and increase your knowledge of the Bible?
Next to that block of text is a picture of a young girl with a tract in her hand.
Why would a young girl be inviting people to have a personal Bible study?
It seems like a desperate attempt to use cuteness to tempt people into the organization. Of course, you have to ask what kind of people would be most likely to be tempted by that picture.
In my opinion, it just reveals how the Watchtower Society uses children to promote their own interests. They don't seem to be concerned about the dangers that are faced by children from the public (or even dogs) as they go from door to door. They don't even protect them from their own members since they don't require background checks and allow known pedophiles to go from door to door without even warning the congregation about them.
It's interesting that Anonymous is targeting the official Watchtower websites as part of an operation of attacking other websites that are friendly to child abusers. We know how bad the Watchtower policies are, but it is ironic that they allow the front page of their site to reflect their lack of concern for children.