DonJuel is actually a NINJA!
We KNOW who they are
by DonJuel 68 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
This is going to be ugly.
This is an honorable thing to do, but keep in mind, to have solid facts to go along
wit accussations, that way you can steer away from creatin' legal problems for yourself
It can also alert which congregation you attend if your still inside, proceed wit caution
in all things. Don't be too trustin'
All the best , keep up the good fight
if i knew any, i'd help you out, but i was not aware of any in any hall i been in. of course, they keep it secret, so im sure there were some.
Everyone who is concerned about any “innocent” people on the list from the tower remember this; To get on the list, a child had to come forward and tell someone, and then someone had to go to the elders, then the elders “investigated” the accusations means, check if the two witness rule could be applied if not…well maybe the perpetrator would admit the something had been going on. Then they put him on the list. AND here is my point; if you as an adult accept that some non educated person could decide about things like that; well then you are so fucked up stupid so you deserve to be on that list! I don’t care on bag of beans for the molesters in the tower, I care for the children…And if someone wants to sue me for that – go ahead I am right here, I am not difficult to find! But you all know deep down in your hearts that there won’t be a lot of innocent people on that list! And we want the tower exposed for how they treat children and all their stupid rules! They are going down – and they are going down hard!
AND here is my point; if you as an adult accept that some non educated person could decide about things like that; well then you are so fucked up stupid so you deserve to be on that list! I don’t care on bag of beans for the molesters in the tower, I care for the children___DonJeul
Hey, pull your panties out your crack , If you know of a molester that's hidin' in your cong, that's molestin' a child
or have unsupervised contact wit a child, Act Now, go to the authorities. NOW,
In most places you can report a this type of thing or any crime anonymously
Why would folks give you anything, after post #3, you sound crazy as hell goin' off half cocked
you ain't even been up in the house long enough to cuss folk and make demands
AND here is my point; if you as an adult accept that some non educated person could decide about things like that; well then you are so fucked up stupid so you deserve to be on that list! I don’t care on bag of beans for the molesters in the tower, I care for the children___DonJeul
Now that is what I call intelligent language!
He who points the finger is the one you have to watch out for.
Mickey mouse
Sounds good. What does your lawyer say?