
by SophieG 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • SophieG

    Thanks Found Sheep!

    Is it bad that I want to serve him his divorce papers during his meeting? LOLOL!

    *told you I was obnoxious*

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I tried to do that LOL!!! Told the clerk the meeting times She said it had to be his residence or place of work.

  • hotchocolate

    Rebelliousness is a symptom of intelligence, and there comes a time when you just can't continue to disengage your brain.

    Congratulations. Let life begin!

    :-) x

  • Chariklo

    Hello Sophie! Welcome!

    I loved reading your account. You don't sound obnoxious to me. You sound like someone with a mind of their own.

    Go girl!

  • cantleave

    Hi Sophie, Welcome to the Dark Side!!!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Sophie, it sounds like you have a problem accepting direction from Divinely constituted authority figures.

    You'll fit right in around here!



  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Sophie G,

    I like your story.

    How sad that you were told not to pursue music. It's amazing how some elders opinions can interfere and disrupt a life.

    (It happened to me when I was very new.)

    The WTBTS never had a problem with musicians and other famous ones from being a JW.(exception MJ and THRILLER)

    Hoping you will be able to live a fulfilled and interesting life after divorce!!!

    Welcome, SG


  • carla


    "Is it bad that I want to serve him his divorce papers during his meeting? LOLOL"-- oh! I like this girl!

  • PrincessPeachz


    "Is it bad that I want to serve him his divorce papers during his meeting?"

    HAHHAAA I so wanted to do that too, but I ended up trying to serve them on his lawyer myself, as they said they would accept service of them, then they refused to accept them when I got there, but charged him for it anyway. That was a tiny win. Eventually the process server found him at work, he was avoiding them at home so he wouldn't get served, the bastard.

    Make sure you have proper legal advice and don't let him screw you over, I don't know what the laws are like where you live, but in Aus they are very straightforward.

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