I've met a girl online and she gave me her number. I got my nerves up to call her and we talk for about 30 minutes. She ended by telling me I could call her anytime. She's educated and works in the Healthcare industry. I'm kind of nervous to call her again, since I don't really know what to talk about. I don't know if I should tell her of my background in a cult. Funny thing is....I've met another girl not long ago and I talk/text her all the time. I feel comfortable talking to her but shes not wanting to go further than friends for right now. I want a relationship but I'm scared to talk. DAMN!
What to do? What to talk about?
by whathehadas 10 Replies latest social relationships
Since it's only your second time talking with her over the phone,keep it light. Talk about the kind of movies she likes,music,etc. No need to bring up the cult thing so soon. Enjoy just getting to know each other,you can save the "meaning of life" talks later.
Thanks EmptyInside. I'll leave religion alone for awhile. That's the one thing I could talk about for hours. I do like movies and that should be a easy subject
Be a good listener. Let her talk.
People love to talk about themselves and their interests. Without getting too personal, ask about her hobbies, plans for the future as far as profession, travel, other interests, etc. You could also describe your hobbies and interests to see if you two jive. Maybe you can wrangle a date out of the conversation.
I am a good listener. Dating in the real world is a lot different than I thought. I never really dated in the Org, so this is all new to me.
Broken Promises
You're doing well. Just keep the subjects light and non-controversial.
And having female friends that "just want to be friends" are valuable friends - they might have a friend or sister who you might click with instead.
And NEVER give up!
Making small talk about pop culture can be weird if your family was reallly strict. In that case you probably did things outdoors...it can help to reference hobbies like camping, sports, etc.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I had a good convo with her today. Nothing controversial. I'm still at a disbelief that I'm 29 and I'd never had a relationship with a women. The WT made me fearful with the dating rules and gossiping culture. This is baby steps for a new life. Hopefully I'll have a relationship soon. I'm tired of being single!
still thinking
I have no useful advice to give you...I did the exact opposite of what people are telling you on my first date with my partner.
We went out to dinner, and talked about everything, icluding the meaning of life, belief, religion, and every other no no you can imagine. And we never got round to ordering dinner because we were talking so much...LOL
Funny thing is, I was so worried before I went that we would have nothing to talk about I asked others for advice too...never talked about any of the stuff they suggested....hee hee hee but it was kinda nice having a back up plan.
We have been together now for seven years....and if there is such a thing as a soul mate...he is mine.
I am not sure there is a right and wrong first date...just be yourself. If they don't like that when they first meet you they sure as hell aint gonna like it later down the track.