Upon reflection over the past 5 years of being out, I've had a lot of time to consider my time as a Witness as well as come to terms with my parents shunning us.
That was the biggest shock for me. Contrary to most experiences I've read, my childhood, while focused on Witness matters was still pretty happy. Our family always seemed to fall on "family first, religion second". My mom tried to push for a "religion first" attitude, but it just didn't suit the rest of us.
Upon reflecting on my family's decision to shun I did strike upon an interesting point. Shunning is the easiest thing to do.
When you take a look at all the things that the Watchtower demands of its followers you notice a trend:
Meetings, require study, planning, getting dressed up, travel back and forth
Service every week, organization, setting up groups, finding territory and going door to door
Daily text requires study
Assemblies require more planning and financial expense
Maintainence of the hall takes extra time on the weekend
Elders have more meetings and parts to prepare for
and so forth.
We have all lived it, there is always something to do to keep you busy.
All this you need to do to remain a Witness in good standing.
What does shunning involve?
That's right, it requires you to do absolutely nothing. It is considered a major sacrifice and there is much consolation to the parents forced to shun a child or viceversa, but in reality it is the only activity required to keep you in good standing that you can do nothing to accomplish.
It is easy doing nothing, and it is seen as a major test. You can parade around the hall feeling righteous because Satan has decided to test you personally and you are able to pass the test with ease.
All other "feel good" tasks set out by the Watchtower require a fair bit of constant effort and time, but shunning actually gives you more time and has the Governing Body stamp of approval.
The articles highlight how difficult it is and praises the sacrifice of those willing to put Jehovah first.
I just had to shake my head at the level of manipulation required to pull this off.