Checking the shelf life on Jehovah's Witness "Truth"

by Terry 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • james_woods
    "Here is what YOU are supposed to do when THEY know something is wrong and must change it: ASK THEM WHY THEY THINK JEHOVAH IS GUIDING THEM!"

    To which they will reply with JW circular logic: "We know Jehovah guides us because he gives us new light".

    The hampsters do not even know they are chasing their tails on a treadmill.

  • Terry
    "Here is what YOU are supposed to do when THEY know something is wrong and must change it: ASK THEM WHY THEY THINK JEHOVAH IS GUIDING THEM!"

    To which they will reply with JW circular logic: "We know Jehovah guides us because he gives us new light".

    The hampsters do not even know they are chasing their tails on a treadmill.

    To which I reply:

    "Would you apply the same thinking in a restaurant that kept serving you spoiled food that had to be sent back to the Chef?"

    To wit: "This must be a great restaurant--they keep giving me new food!!"

  • kepler

    The Kickoff post is absolutely great. Right into the end zone.

    Reminds me of back in the 70s sitting around with friends looking at food packaging labels.

    Versus the assurances of natural ingredients where none could be expected or found,

    one of the guys picked up a package and add libbed:

    "Our product has never seen the light of day."

  • Terry

    New Light is like Firestone having to recall defective tires.

    "Hey, our tires came apart and caused you to run off the highway and damage your car? Heck, look how wonderful our REPLACEMENT tires are!"

  • Finkelstein

    Since when does " The Truth " come with a limited time warranty ?

  • Finkelstein

    Its also noteworthy to realize that the truth that once lured people into the organization over time gets invalidated by the WTS. organization itself,

    to be replaced by truth that again is strongly enforced upon people by the WTS.

  • kepler

    Another analogous situation - if not a perfect match.

    Over the years, would write small scale computer programs in competition with bigger packages produced by long-established departments. Sometimes there were situations when an alternative source would provide a different numerical answer, but it was a horrifying thought that a third source might actually produce a tie breaker.

    Often got set down for a talking to. It went something like this:

    "Don't interfere if you want to work around here. Our product is PERFECT. Get it?..

    "Now if I were you, I'd spend more time reading our User's Guide, learning to run and adapt our successfully proven test cases..."

    "There will be a new release in a few weeks.... Now what was that you were talking about?..."

  • Terry

    How does making a wrong guess differ in any meaningful way from Old Light?

    Who is the source authority for Old Light?

    If Jehovah were "in the loop" of quality control on any "Light" releases how could it fall short and need replacing?

    If the Governing Body were delusional about Jehovah guiding the organization, does anything prove that more than the hundredfold need to

    correct their pronouncements over 100 years?

    How can Jehovah guide if guidance ends up being wrong?

    If human error and eagerness to see Jah's promises fulfilled is the only excuse ever given for mistakes, errors and Old Light how does this

    differ from the mistakes, errors and wrong doctrine of Christendom?

    Is it really "willingness" to change from Old Light to New Light that flips the strong, confident statements into their opposites? Or, is it being caught out

    by provable events in public that forces change?

    Moral of the story: "You don't get credit for confessing if you shit your pants in public."

  • Gros Michel no more
    Gros Michel no more

    1. The Jehovah's Witness religion will still be here, long after you and I are dead. A little group of Christians in 36 AD started a movement that has lasted up to our current day. Jehovah's Witnesses are not going away, not matter how much you desire them too. Voltaire said Christianity would be extinct with in one hundred years of his time. Voltaire was much smarter than either one of us, he badly underestimated people's desire for hope, and a longing for meaning in life.

    2. How long is the shelf life? Naysayers thought Mormons would last no longer than a decade, Joseph Smith had a very interesting background, Brigham Young and Joseph Smith Jr, the Republican presidential candidate is a Mormon! Joseph Smith started in 1820, we are in the year 2012, Mormons are still running strong after 200 years, the Watchtower had some strange ideas (not as weird as Mormons), given the long run of the Mormon church, JWs will make it to another hundred years. Rome attempted to dismantle early Christians, trying to strike terror into Christians backfired, shelf life of Christianity, almost two thousand years now and no end in sight.

    3. Most of the followers of Jesus Christ for the first three hundred years did not have a high education. Our times are cake walk compared to the economic struggles, political attacks, martyrdom endured by early Christians. JWs will get by just as well, they be enjoying a fulfilling life of wealth, we are aware of the correlation between higher education, wealth and happiness.

    4. Christians for close to Two Thousand Years have been thinking the "End is near", countless Christians over this period have lived simple lives, other Christians who made it big have donated huge amounts to charity. The "End" has not come, Christendom evolved into believing Christ would reward them at death. You can hope the Organization will crumble but there are to many diehards who don't find enlightenment or comfort knowing there is no hope.

    5. "We feed people for 100 years" Parts of Christendom believe they have been feeding their sheep since Pentecost, close to two thousand years. Terry you can hope the Society will crumble but history reveals groups live on past our lives. The crazy beliefs Russell and Rutherford were teaching one hundred years ago are gone, a more sanitized version now exist. The Watchtower will become more friendly as the system of things continues.

    6. "Events driven" religions like the Society will add people when wars, chaos, masscres take place. Chaos, massacres, injustice is good business for the church, atheism won't plug the emotional bleeding our Americans are feeling in Colorado. I can't imagine myself telling a victim of this tragic event something like "your child is gone forever, you won't see them again!" the killer robbed them of their child, and we can give them hope or rob them of it. If you were to deliver a funeral talk for one of the victims, the talk being for the living, how would you word it?

  • Gros Michel no more

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