Twitter is one of the best ways to spread information and build awareness. It's used extensively by Anonymous. Even XJWs have had some success with it, especially with spreading the news about Sparlock and Candace Conti.
If we want to spread the news about the Watchtower Society's disgusting coverup of pedophilia, we should use Twitter as one of our primary tools.
This thread is intended to provide ideas and actual tweets that we can send to the public.
For recent news about Anonymous action against the Watchtower Society use #OpPedoChat. Click the link or do a search. Retweets are very powerful and easy. You don't have to bother composing a tweet, although that is nice too.
Here are some hashtags that can be used:
Please add more ideas if you think of them.
Here are some tweets that can be copied and pasted. (The links should shrink automatically when posted if necessary.)
Did you know that Jehovah's Witnesses allow known child abusers to knock on doors? This policy has to stop. #OpPedoChat
Anonymous Combats The Watchtower Society #OpPedoChat
Anonymous Protest Videos Against The Watchtower Society #OpPedoChat
Anonymous: Candace Conti Won Against The #Watchtower #OpPedoChat
Anonymous Message To The #Watchtower #OpPedoChat
Did you know that Jehovah's Witnesses have a "Do Not Call List"? Just ask to be put on it. #OpPedoChat
Feel free to add your own.
There are numerous twitter accounts that will retweet XJW related subjects. Some of them have a lot of followers. They just don't always have much to retweet. We can help with that.
If you already have a twitter account that's great. However, even if you set up a brand new account without any followers, it can still be useful, especially if you use hashtags. The tweets will become part of the conversation.
This is also a good opportunity to follow other XJWs when you see their tweets.
Please add you own ideas and suggestions.