Jesus was created as a peaceful Messiah as predicted in the Bible
If Jesus was God, then is it correct to say he was "created"?
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Jesus was created as a peaceful Messiah as predicted in the Bible
If Jesus was God, then is it correct to say he was "created"?
Basically my assertion rests and it doesnt matter if Jesus was God or not.
The purpose of creating the jesus character was to give the Jewish people a Messiah that had come and gone. THe jews were waiting for a special leader to come and free them from the Romans. The jews were not a peaceful people at that time, there are many recorded examples in hoistory of false messiahswho convinced many countrymen and led rebellions. This of course matches perfectly with the fact that the gospels are written over 40 years after Jesus death. If Jesus really had so many followers then its amazing that not a single one thought it necessary to write these wonderful things down immediately during this time or shortly after. Instead we have accounts written 40-60 years after the fact.
Go read your history about all the false messiahs who came, promised much and tried to rebel against masters like the Romans. Ultimately they all lost. The Romans to some it up simply and succinctly were very much pissed that and thats why they came and destroyed Jeruslame and the temple. They only left what we call the western wall to show that a temple did stand there the rest was completely and utterly destroyed. As further punishment for the trouble they had caused the Romans banned the Jews from Jeruslame and changed the name from Judea to Palestine.
Again im not making any of this up, all these facts are easily verified by reading any history.
If we examine Jesus story we can see the primary goal is to convince the Jewish people, his principal audience to accept their given life. Obey the Romans, pay your taxes, be good slaves and other equally convenient messages that if believed are of great benefit to the Roman rulers. Wy jesus tells slaves to obey and never condemns slavery is never explained. Why a Son of God would be so much concerned with keeping the status quo at the advantage of the Romans is absurd. The reason the Romans destroyed the temple is that the religious elite were part of the revolution. Religion has always been a motiving factor particularly int he middle east. All the false messiahs always claimed the Hebrew prophets prophesized about them.
The message was that the Jews no longer needed to wait or more importantly should not listen to any new messiahs that were all encouraging rebellion against the Romans. In summary the Jews were also avid astrologers and believed the stars. The blieved that something speical would happen when the next age came along, changing to Pisces. We ourselves are transitioning to Aquarius. In both cases those living at that time expected big things. I have not read enough of Rutherfords writings, but my knowledge of it does show he was looking int he stars in much the same way the ancient astrologers did. We can see he was attempting to understand Egyptian religion. He knew the pyramids were significant, he just want not sure how to read them so he just tried his best. THe WatchTower of today is also in a quandry. They know the Bible is astrological, they try and read the skies, but because they cant admit the true source of their message make up much convoluted nonsense.
The fact that star of Bethelehem and the 3 magi are part of the Matthew story only make sense if the jews would have been impressed by such a story. If they really hated astrology, why include such a reference in the gospel to the jews ?
There are many many astrological references in the OT and NT, Job 38:32 itself admis the Zodiac influences our lives. In typical dishonest manner the WatchTower refuses to translate this verse leaving the Hebrew names which are of course meaningless to the average person. Read any other bible and will see this acknowledment. ANother interesting obbservation is to simply look at any grand cathedral. They all have the signs of the zodiac and other asstrological motifs. St Peters in Rome itself has the worlds largest obelisk in its center acting as a gnomen. Viewed from above the seasons and important events like the solistices and equixnoes are marked so the obelisk casts its shadow to mark these important asstrological events. The fact that Xmas and Easter are the winter solistice and spring equixnox are of course not by accident.