The Pharisaical Laws of JW's

by Emery 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Emery

    I remember hearing from a former Elder of a situation he found himself in while conducting the old weekly bible study. That morning only one male was present during the morning study, however that brother forgot his tie. Under instruction from the Slave, any brother not properly dressed for a meeting is not to have any congregation priviledges (hold mics, talk, attendent, magazines, reading). The understanding now was that in order to continue the book study a sister was to place a garment over her head and read the paragraphs. So as to avoid embarassing the brother, the elder ended up praying, conducting, and reading all the paragraphs for the study. He admitted that he felt like a toolbag and that it made no sense because the sisters don't wear ties either.

    I also knew of someone who was told they were not to have any more congregation priviledges if they were to continue wearing their Mickey Mouse tie or their Orca Killer Whale tie because they were not "appropriate".

    I wanted to know if anyone else here had any ridiculous pharisaical experiences while being a witness?

  • ldrnomo

    When I was a congregation PO, a DO asked me to talk to an elder in our cong who's African American wife wore her hair extremely short. The DO told me it was inappropriate because she was a pioneer and the short hair made her look like a lesbian.

    I refused and told him if he had a problem then he should talk to them himself.

    Don't think he ever did.

  • JWOP

    Looked like a lesbian?
    Portia DeRossi has pretty, blond, long hair.
    So I guess that means sisters can't have long blond hair either?

    Just sayin....

  • DesirousOfChange

    fucking man-made rules


  • Emery

    I believe they have also made the rule that if an elder or MS is to give a part on Sunday they MUST wear a matching suit? Can anybody else confirm this?

  • WTWizard

    First, this is almost as ridiculous as needing separate pots to cook meat and dairy in. You get into a major problem simply because you have several "sisters" and one "brother". The "brother" forgot his tie, so what. But they insist that he cannot read because of his not having a tie. The "sister" has to have something on her head--why? The most logical solution is that the one who is most able to read fluently should be the one getting to read, regardless of what is on their head or neck. I could understand if it was something blatant, like someone wearing nothing but an undergarment. But, if they are appropriately dressed for shopping, they should be able to read.

    And never mind rules about wearing white shirts, having that top button done when it is hot and muggy, wearing certain colors of shoes (unless they were blatantly sloppy, like wearing shoes 15 sizes too big with laces undone), or having accessories that are of specifications to waste resources getting new ones. There is no reason why someone wearing clean jeans and a short sleeve polo shirt in good condition, sneakers that are neat and in good condition, and having a bag that is appropriately sized for its duty should be unable to do certain things. And better, for not having to dry clean anything.

    Until they stop coming up with stupid rules like these, I will continue to regard the religion as half Pharisaic Jewish and half Pauline Christian. What is the difference between having to buy a new book bag because Brother Hounder says so, and having to buy a separate pot to cook meat from dairy in lest they both become treif? None, to my estimation. Both are stupid rules--and both sets of rules have to go.

  • Sheep2slaughter

    I can confirm the suit rule but it's flexible. We had a visiting speaker from the country and he wore slacks and a sports coat with no issue. But the entire body ragged him for weeks. Behind his back of couse.

    My list of pharisical rules includes. It not limited to:

    No beards

    No oral sex

    Turning in time

    Dating rules (chaperon, public displays of affection etc)

    Acceptable reasons to separate from marriage mate

  • BroMac

    a suit is not necessary for a wt reader, but probably is for a wt conductor.

    it all depends on the congregation pharisees and their local laws and customs.

    also depends alot on individual elders, and their view of the weightier matters of those said laws. ie, a brother forgets his tie. big deal! "would you take us onto the next paragraph brother"

    or weather he could handle the "tutt tutt" from the saducee sisters

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I ran the sound system in the hall before I left. That was unless the CO or some big wig came around then they found a male, that always messed up

    I don't look like a lesbien Not that i have any problems with gay/lesbien I'm just not one.

  • BroMac

    WTWizard makes my point better than me!

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