JWsurvey.org publishes article on Anonymous - and offers evidence that the Society HAS a child molester database

by cedars 34 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AnnOMaly

    cedars, you need the March 14, 1997 BOE letter.

    Go to THIS THREAD (new) for the link to download the collection that contains it.

  • cedars

    Thanks AnnOMaly, I have it now. I'll be revising the article today with a few extra documents - it certainly makes the evidence for the database more compelling!!


  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Cedars: Good article.

    As you probably know, any database in the UK holding personal information must be registered with the Information Commissioner (formerly Data Protection Registrar). The registration shows from whom information is collected, for what purpose, and with whom it can be shared (other than under legal compulsion).

    I just did a quick search re JWs to see if I could find thw WTBTS registration for UK HQ, but not knowing the official titles used was unsuccessful.

    Here, however, is one JW body's entry: http://www.ico.gov.uk/ESDWebPages/DoSearch.asp?reg=5554166

    Someone who is more au fait than me with official titles may be able to find more.


    can offer no improvements - a really important piece and well written.

  • Soldier77

    Good work Cedars. I'm really interested in seeing how this all plays out. This has more than just potential.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I know for a fact that Bethel needs answers to those questions before they will act. And this was as late as 2007.


  • Scott77


    And do not forget to share this thread with anonymous. Its very important to let them know that we appreciate their works. I think, this is a classic example of a holy alliance, manna from Heaven.


  • Refriedtruth

    Good to go

  • 00DAD

    Cedars, great job as always!

    Love that it is well written and completely documented!

    Two comments/suggestions:

    1. "Brothers" - In the paragraph under the first letter you use the JW term "brothers". Perhaps you might simply say "men" as this would be less confusing to a non-JW reader.
    2. Stock Photo - You have a photo of a young woman with the subtitle" "The "two witness rule", so rigidly enforced by the Society, puts untold numbers of children at risk." I'm guessing that is a stock photo you got off the 'net and not an actual JW that was a victim of child abuse. I remember Mr. Unthank got some flak for using a stock photo in one of his blogs. As I recall, people were at first offended that he used the real picture of an actual victim. When he revealed it was a stock photo, he was criticized for making up a phony victim or something along those lines.

    Just some thoughts!


  • DT

    I've tried to post a comment a couple times without success. Perhaps there is something wrong that is preventing you from getting more comments.

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