Well, I got it from the first post, TurtleTurtle.
Military Service
by turtleturtle 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
We all should have our own personal opinions and
whatever reasons you have to serve or not to serve.
The problem, when you come to my door and preach to
me about the evil of military service and I am A ex-vet,
served in A war, lost freinds, family and maybe A arm or leg,
It could get A little heated. When I was A JW, it surprise me
that more JW,s wasn,t knock the hell out by ex-vets.
I encountered several vets in the door the door work, but
when I told them I also served in service (Nam) the conversation
changed. Some very strong feeling, keep it to yourself at the door.
I still beleive, young men who decide aganist college join the
I don't agree with the concept that just because you are a christian you should not serve in the army!!
I DO think that the motivation behind wars these days makes it less honorable to be part of the armed forces.
However, if you lived in a land or country in peace with your family, and a foreign country, or organization, or government was threatning your security and that of your family, would you not defend it?If the apostles lived all in the same town, and people from a neighbooring city came to pillage and kill them, would they not get together and defend their properties and families?If you are home later tonight and an intruder comes to rob you and kill your family, would you not defend your family and kill him if needed? If your answer is yes, then you are displaying the personality needed to be part of the military.
I will agree that in light of wars such as Iraq and Vietnam, the military are not being used in an honorable way and perhaps i understand why a christian would refuse to join such effots.However, i do think that for example, soldiers that fought in WW2 should be proud of themselves in the way we stopped unprovoked aggression and the potential of having an evil empire take over the world and rob mankind of any freedoms we enjoy today.
Armies have a place in civilized societies and are an absolute necessity, just as a police force is necessary at a local level, and should not be demonized because the ones leading them let greed and power hunger determine their actions.
redvip; Good piont. "Armies have a place in civilized societies and are an
absolute necessity". at least until we enter paradise.
The most basic reaction to a direct threat against yourself and your loved ones is to protect them by any means necessary.
It is a given you will do this.
The, frankly, most insane teaching of Jesus was that this was somehow a question of "love" in reverse!
The one STRIKING out is to be loved and the one being struck is to accept the evil blow.
What if Christ had said, "If anyone strikes your little daughter on the cheek ask her to turn the other to them"?
See what happens when you put it like that? All the warm fuzzies simply disappear and it becomes a monstrous request.
Think about that sometime.
There is no greater love thna someone who lays down his life for another. If we had no soldiers what do you think the world would be like. Say if all of USA and Europe suddenly laid down their arms what would happen.What would hilter have done. THere would be no USA or GB. THere would b eno freedom of thought or religion. The watchtower society would not exist. Tell me if the USA was suddneyl invaded tomorrow and forign soldiers came to your door to take away your family would you defend them.
To show how much God was against military service and other weapon carrying occupations God had Peter baptize Cornelius and Paul, the Phillippian jailor.
Is not the God of the israelites called Jehovah of armies. Did the Istraelite people go to war many many times in the name of Jehovah. Did not David kill someoen did not Moses kill someone etc etc etc