Every judicial case has a form that is filled out after the decision to disfellowshipped is made. The form includes the reasons for the action, a brief synopsis of the case. It is then stuck in a special blue envelope and mailed to the branch. I am sure that the information is entered into a database of some sort. Can you imagine the liability that the society will have if information on hundreds of thousands of individuals is placed onto the Internet? I think the whole disfellowshipping policy is terrible and unscriptural at best.
If I found out that a so called "clergy penitent" document about myself was out on the net potentially affecting my reputation I would have a lawyer filing a suit so quickly it's not even funny. The organizations arrogance is their undoing. They will say that any judicial proceedings are "confidential" yet they instruct the elders to file a report with details so the branch can track it. They want to have ultimate control over the lives of their subjects. This in itself will be the very thing that contributes to their demise.
Note: I am not talking about pedophiles. I am thinking of the man or woman who made a mistake 10 years in the past and now has this mistake posted online potentially affecting their ability to be hired or married or whatever. The simple fact is that the society keeps a lot of dirt on a lot of people. Release of this is going to be the biggest snafu in the history of the organization.
I hope it destroys them.