did u know any jw self-made millionaires? any multi-millionaires?? how would u know???
by oompa 24 Replies latest jw friends
on the rocks
My net worth is around 2 Million..........ofcourse in Indian Rupees
I grew up with 5 former JW's who became millionaires. One very brainey friend left the "truth" in his 30's after being reproved by a group of bumpkin Elders for something laughably minor (think Sparlock). He and his wife along with one sibling, left the Org. and put themselves through college after realizing that they'd never get anywhere they hoped to be without having degrees. Without giving away too much information, I'll say he went on to invent something we all use everyday thanks to Microsoft. His wife travels the globe as a designer, buying goods in the worlds markets and overseeing projects for in an international business you see on every street corner. The former JW sibling works for a major aerospace company and is working on a experimental project you have heard about that will change the world if it happens. All were really teriffic people who realized that they had been duped and had wasted their extreme youth and early adulthood by following a man made orginization.
One friend that was one of my groomsmen in our wedding, develops properties around the world and was heavily used in the Societies international building work. He claims to have witnessed much corruption while working in this capacity but tried to overlook it, putting it down to men's imperfection etc. He was also sent around the country to deal with many of these child mollestion cases that are coming to light. I had never heard of these cases until I came to this site. Then out of the blue he contacted me and in the course of the conversation without any prompting from me, gave me his first hand account of the horrors the children he dealt with, had been through. He eventually left the "truth" claiming that the society forbade him to alert a certain congregation that a convicted child molester he had previously dealt with, was being released from prision and would be moving to their area to begin attending meetings again. He went against their directive and was removed. He is still youngish, is a multimillionaire and runs with famous people, celebrities and sports stars you have heard of and has recetly offered to send his plane to fly me to a certain event you are familiar with. Having been a JW all my life I don't think I'd know how to act around such sophisticated folk. He assures me that most of them are very ordinary in real life and are often baffled at their own acclaim and are often searching for someone they can trust.
Bubblegum Apotheosis
Exjw, there is a dub who invented electronic-computer gadgets, think US Robotics, Seagate, Network Appliance brainiac. The very rich witnesses have learned to keep their mouth shut, and avoid ostenstation demonstrations of their wealth.
A fact of life, there are many posers who pretend to be wealthy in the congregation, a missed montly pay check and they are heading for BK. I wonder if there is a correlation between COBEs and filing bankruptcy?