And WHAT exactly did they "Witness"? How can JWs serve as "Witnesses"?

by King Solomon 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around what JWs think qualifies them to call themselves "witnesses": witnesses to WHAT?

    Here's the definition of "witness" (n):

    1. a. One who can give a firsthand account of something seen, heard, or experienced: a witness to the accident. b. One who furnishes evidence. 2. Something that serves as evidence; a sign. 3. Law a. One who is called on to testify before a court. b. One who is called on to be present at a transaction in order to attest to what takes place. c. One who signs one's name to a document for the purpose of attesting to its authenticity. 4. An attestation to a fact, statement, or event; testimony. 5. a. One who publicly affirms religious faith. b. Witness A member of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Certainly, they cannot claim to serve as first-hand witnesses, in the plain-English meaning of the word, claiming to have actually observed any interactions that are depicted in the Bible (eg the Adam and Eve account, testifying on behalf of the chief prosecutor AND judge, YHWH, etc).

    Regardless what mental gymnastics they use to justify calling themselves "witnesses", here's the fundamental problem with JWs applying the legal term "witnesses" to themselves:

    Remember that YHWH is the final arbiter, the supposedly impartial unbiased Judge in the trial. He's ALSO the Chief prosecutor, as well (red flag, anyone?).

    In a real-World (non-kangaroo) court case, a fundamental miscarriage of justice occurs when witnesses are provided a script by prosecutors or judges that all must follow, to guarantee that defendents are found guilty. These defendents are essentially sentenced to death even BEFORE the mock-trial is held.

    In a truly-just judicial system, the witnesses aren't allowed to compare their testimony, so they can make it consistent. The witnesses aren't allowed to communicate pre-trial, much less to form a CLUB based around being a witness to the crime they saw! Any evidence of such that was found by the defendents lawyer would be presented to the court, and an immediate mistrial would be declared by a just judge (or conviction appealed, etc).

    To the contrary of this basic legal principle, JWs DEMAND that you agree to the testimony you believe and will offer, where any disagreement to comply with the dogma is automatic grounds for removal from the "Witness" club.

    A Judicial Committee proceeding for DFing clearly demonstrates this policy in action, when the elders ask, "Bottom-line: do you believe that the GB is God's voice on Earth, yes or no?" If you say NO, you've just bought yourself an exclusion from the "Witness" club, and you won't be asked to testify in God's kangaroo court (and you've bought yourself inclusion on the list of those who get trumped-up charges placed against them, the "already-convicted defendents" list).

    It's just amazing to me that so many JWs cannot see the kangaroo-court character of their own "just" God, and fail to even ask or ponder what the name actually means....

    Comments welcome!

  • simon17

    One who furnishes evidence.

    Evidence in answer to Satan's challenge that, presented with temptations, people will turn their back on Jehovah.

    I think the name makes sense in that sense.

    Of course, the actual mess of the court case, like you said, is absolute nonsense. He condemns one party to death before the trial starts and then tampers with the evidence throughout, ensuring that enough evidence is mounted against Satan.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Simon says: (sorry, couldn't resist doing that)

    Evidence in answer to Satan's challenge that, presented with temptations, people will turn their back on Jehovah.

    Oh, THAT question, the big question raised by Adam and Eve.

    So will there be a head-count, a show of hands over who wins the right to rule over the Earth? Maybe it's like American Idol, where the results are based on a phone call-in? :)

    I thought that one was settled in the real-time trial (or experiment), with Job in the role of guinea pig? Maybe a mistrial was declared on a technicality?

    Reminds me of a funny video on the Job account (although it gets a bit crude with the language, the alternate ending is classic. Love Jeffrey's lines: "Lucy, don't stoop to his level", and "if you think about it, his (Job's) piety is EXACTLY why he's being punished"):

  • Finkelstein

    The JWS are indoctrinate to think that they have been specially chosen to proclaim god's soon coming earthly kingdom.

    Designated proclaimers of the good news, " You are my witnesses " to that effect.

    Truth be known they've been coerced, manipulated and exploited by a devious religious publishing house, namely the WTS. Corporation.

    Fully indoctrinated JWS think they are going to be awarded ever lasting life, while people who are not of the organization will be appropriately killed

    at the great day of judgment and they are counting on the WTS. to guide them so they can be of the few that will make it through this

    impending world wide destruction. Of course all of this a calculated and devious marketing scheme by the WTS. publishing house.

    There are many lies and deceptions coming out the WTS. and have been since its foundational appearance.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Smart baby says:

    The JWS are indoctrinate to think that they have been specially chosen to proclaim god's soon coming earthly kingdom. Designated proclaimers of the good news, " You are my witnesses " to that effect.

    Interesting, the idea of them claiming to be witnesses to events that haven't yet happened... I dare say that places them in the category of being messengers of prophets, or more accurately, as witnesses of written prophecies.

    Heck, let's call a spade a spade: if they had to abide by truth-in-advertising laws, they'd have to rename themselves as, "Jehovah's Cheer Team". They wouldn't create any expectations of being an unbiased party by doing that. ;)

  • stillin

    King Solomon, I have asked the exact same question here. It's like all of a sudden waking up and realizing that you haven't seen anything after all this time, except the corruption of good men and women in this organization. And that is what has been witnessed.

  • Finkelstein

    The JWs have been manipulated by the WTS. to be identified as witnesses of bible truths, via by the said self described anointed FDSL/GB.

    In reality this makes up much of the devious commercialization of this particular religious publishing house.

    The majority of JWS aren't at all aware of this because of their appending devout faith in the organization, instilled no less by

    the WTS. coercive fear mongering marketing tactics.

  • simon17

    I thought that one was settled in the real-time trial (or experiment), with Job in the role of guinea pig? Maybe a mistrial was declared on a technicality?

    Yeah the thing with Job didn't settle a damn thing because after Job proved his loyalty, God realized that he needed two witnesses...

  • transhuman68
  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Simon17 sez:

    God realized that he needed two witnesses...

    Touche', well played.

    I wonder if the "two witnesses" who testify in a JC have any idea of the implications of Rev 11 for their offering their testimony? That explains ALOT, I guess....

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