Ironic new Awake cover...

by cedars 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Cedars said:

    As you can see from the above extract, the article writer immediately picks up on the "eating habits" part of the quote - but completely ignores the equally important role of "physical activity". In fact, for the remainder of the article, only dietary adjustments are mentioned as possible ways of combatting obesity, and NOTHING is mentioned about "physical activity" or exercise.

    That's odd: it seemed like they were setting up for the approved form of physical activity and exercise: going door-to-door! :)

    I had a young JW relative tell me that he didn't go to the gym because he "didn't like the types of people who go the gym". Wow, stereotype much? Perhaps he meant non-JWs: if so, that makes some sense. :)

  • Finkelstein

    Yes for god sake stay away from Universities and higher education, you'll obtain acute critical thinking skills

    eventually enabling yourself to see what a vacuous fraud of a religious publishing house we are.

    None of us Governing Body members went to University or College and look where we are now.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Anyone catch this one?

    "Be reasonable with regard to how much education to pursue. As mentioned earlier, education can help prepare your child for responsible adulthood. (Genesis 2:24) But how much schooling does reaching that goal require?

    Uh, what does Genesis 2:24 actually say?

    New American Standard Bible(©1995)
    For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

    They have COMPLETELY gone off the DEEP END, picking scriptures that absolutely have NOTHING to do with the point they're trying to make! THAT scripture doesn't have ANYTHING remotely to do with "education preparing a child for responsible adulthood".

    UNLESS their point is, "Girls, don't dream too high: your role in life is to marry a hubby, and bear his children, not to become a Mrs Smarty Pants. Boys, don't get into a non-construction-trade field (such as IT and such things we don't understand), as you just might be tempted to hack into our computer systems in revenge if we decide to DF you."


    How to succeed in School..

    What a Crock of WBT$ BS..

    Your not allowed to participate in many school activities...

    Your not allowed to make friends at school..

    Homework gets neglected because your getting ready for meetings..

    WBT$ Talks and Literature are Against Education..

    Your up late every meeting night and dog tired for school the next day..


    The World is Coming to an End..So what`s the Effin Point?..


    October 2012



    .............................. ...OUTLAW

  • nugget

    How to succeed in school

    Don't be brought up in a cult with parents who do not value education. Simples

  • InterestedOne

    "Be reasonable with regard to how much education to pursue. As mentioned earlier, education can help prepare your child for responsible adulthood. (Genesis 2:24) But how much schooling does reaching that goal require? Do not assume that your child must attend a university to make a decent living. There are other options that are less costly. In fact, in some cases those with trade skills can make as good a living as university graduates."

    Wait, I thought the WT usually says that people often pursue higher education to go after more money. The idea behind forgoing higher ed was that you are putting Kingdom interests first and sacrificing monetary gain. Now they're saying you can make just as much money in a trade (which I'm sure is true depending on what trade & degree you are comparing). Are they saying forgoing higher ed is no longer a sacrifice?

  • poppers

    Wiktor - what a tool.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Or "How to Hypno-Meditate on the 'Truth about the Naked Lady and Talking Snake' While Ignoring the Teacher's Lecture on Evolutionary Biology"

    She's going to have to take her hand off of Satan's textbook if she hopes to cover both ears and say, "I'm not listening...."

    PS anyone catch the subliminal message of the entire class shunning the teacher, with their chairs turned away, their backs turned to him? NICE touch, Art Department..... :)

  • cedars

    InterestedOne - it's two different messages for two different audiences. The Awake! (for the public) is trying to persuade parents not to send their children to college for financial reasons, in the interests of saving money, whereas the Watchtower (for the dubs) is telling JW parents that college is bad because people only go for financial reasons, to satisfy their financial greed.

    It's so duplicitous, it's breathtaking.


  • QueenWitch

    I often wonder if my obesity and low self esteem is partially linked to the fact that I was not allowed extracurricular activities. I was asked to come join the dance team when I was in high school. I also wanted to join the pep squad. (Since I attended an all-girl school, we didn't have cheerleaders.)

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