Awkward, but kinda funny encounter with JWs today

by hemp lover 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    I live in a majority-minority neighborhood, so I get the double Witness whammy of my street being worked by both Spanish- and English-speaking congregations. JWs come to my door about four times a year, but I stopped answering years ago. What's interesting is that about two years ago, they stopped knocking on my door or ringing the doorbell. The only way I'd know they had been there was when I'd find a tract in the door or when my dogs would bark.

    Today my dogs warned me someone was coming, so I peeked out and saw them climbing the steps and then hid in the dining room and watched them out the window. It was a young man and woman, both in their early 20s, just hanging out on my porch and chatting quietly to each other. I waited about two minutes and they didn't seem in too big of a hurry (lol) to leave, so I opened the door and took them by surprise.

    Me: (smiling face and voice) "Hey, how's it goin'?"

    JW male: (shocked face, not happy to see me) "Oh, um, uh, we're looking for people who speak Spanish."

    I thought that was kind of strange - no introduction, no Hi, how are you today?, just an odd way to start a conversation.

    Me: (laughing) "How come you didn't knock or ring the bell then?"

    JW: (launches into a long explanation of how he knocked softly, because sometimes people are sleeping [it was 11 a.m.] and then started talking about how sometimes people don't like it when you ring the doorbell, etc.)

    Me: "It's cool - I'm just teasing you! I was raised a Jehovah's Witness and I never rang the doorbells or knocked on the doors either. I just pretended to."

    JW: (doesn't bat an eye at my big reveal, just goes back into the same explanation of how he actually DID knock, it was just a light knock, on and on)

    Me: (still smiling) "It's okay! I had to do this for years and years, too, and I totally understand if you don't want someone to come to the door. That's how I used to feel anyway."

    JW: "Okay, well, um we're from the Spanish congregation and we're just looking for people who speak Spanish."

    I tell them that while most of the families on the street are Hispanic, they also speak English and then direct them to the few houses I think might speak only Spanish. We exchange names and he tells me I have beautiful dogs and they leave.

    That was it. No attempt to engage me on the fact that I was obviously a lapsed JW, no questions whatsoever about it. The young woman just smiled back at me and nodded the whole time, didn't say a word except goodbye. It's very striking to me how much has changed just over the past few years. If I encountered someone I didn't know at the door and they told me they used to be a JW, I'd at the very least ask them what congregation they went to or invite them to a meeting, offer a Bible study, something.

    Here's the thing I hate. Even though I've been out since 1998 and don't really think about the religion anymore (for the most part), I get so damn nervous and shaky when I talk to them at my door. I always hide it pretty well, but my hands were literally shaking when they left and I don't understand why.

    I'm also now doing the hindsight thing where I wish I had invited them to sit on the porch and shoot the shit for a while to help them get in some easy field service time.

  • Kojack57

    Hemp lover: Maybe they were afraid you would ask them about the Candice conti court case and embarrass them.

    I really like your avatar name.


  • Sheep2slaughter

    That is pretty funny. Just shows that in general most witnesses don't really care about people. They care about carrying out the duty that the org has placed upon then. Since they believe that they have the truth and want to save "deserving ones" their message should be like a fire within them that cannot be contained. But really out of the hearts abundence they DON'T speak unless under obligation. That's why the org is pushing informal witnessing so hard these days. Cuz no one will say anything unless they are specifically out on orders to speak.

  • nugget

    Witnesses are very task focused and there is probably a territorial thing meaning that if they witnessed to you they would be encroaching on the english speaking congregations territory.

    The cult programming runs so deep that we can be affected even when we have been out for a long time.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    If you have a few more experiences, those shakes/nervousness goes away. I've had some stop, but when I was too busy to talk. I was surprised how quickly and easily they left at the slightest hint of a 'conversation stopper.' I've been thinking of approaching the conversation that I have relatives that are JW and have questions about their teachings that they never will answer for me. They tell me it's "the truth", but truth shouldn't be afraid of questions. Truth is brave and can defend itself from all challenges with facts. Then I might go with questioning their blood doctrine or Noah's ark literalism.

    Okay, you have to remember that it's not really lying if I don't tell them I'm a dunked JW and was a bethelite for 10+ years. They should understand theocratic warfare that I don't tell them information that they're not entitled to.


    Jehovah`s Witness`s in the Field Service..

    Good Morning!..

    I`m in your Neighbourhood today to Tell You..

    I`m Too Busy to Talk to You..


    I`m not going to Tell You who I Am..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    If you have a few more experiences, those shakes/nervousness goes away. I've had some stop, but when I was too busy to talk. I was surprised how quickly and easily they left at the slightest hint of a 'conversation stopper.'

    Heh, I was approached by a young (early 20's, I'd say) JW Asian female with a somewhat flat personality, while sitting outside a Starbucks (kinda odd: I didn't realize they violated the rule, "don't crap where you eat and drink": even an animal instinctively knows THAT, LOL! Maybe they decided it was efficient to kill two birds with one stone?).

    So she comes up, and opened the latest Awake! showing me a page that contained a bunch of people holding signs with bad things printed on them (hunger, crime, pollution, war, etc), and asked me which of these would I like to get rid of?

    Of course, I rolled my eyes (I'm not a 5 yr old, and apparently that's the insulting angle of the sales approach they were told to use with this issue). I told her my history, fact I have JW family, and she did ask about what congregation, etc. She asked me why I wasn't a JW.

    I started to get into details of the bible's errancy, a few books I had been reading (looking into difference between words ruah and nephesh, as used in the bible vs other beliefs at the time). I offered her a seat, but she indicated that her fellow JWs were waiting and she had to go, LOL! She listened politely, though, as she knew she was outgunned by someone 3x her age, who's actually spent time in college getting an education, etc. She left a copy of WT and Awake on the table, though, so she won in the end by scoring a placement of literature for the bean-counters, LOL

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    PS Oh, I didn't ask her to show me a subpoena with her name on it (I hadn't thought of it yet).

    If someone calls themselves a "witness", I want to see some verification that they are considered by the authorities to be a witness. I think it's reasonable for them to show some legal documentation to prove they've been considered a witness to a crime, hence worthy of being served with a subpoena. Anyone call claim they're a witness to something: their claim doesn't mean it's true.

    I'll do it to the next JW I encounter. :)

  • neverscreamagain

    I think that most JW's don't want to be out and second do not really want to talk to anyone.

    I know in my case that being naturally introverted, I tend to get really nervous when a similar situation arises. It is not that I doubt the facts about what I know to be the real truths about the Borg, or even that I can present them in a clear and understandable manner. It is the feeling or urgency that I may have only this one chance to say the right thing that will get them to think for a change.

    I know that this can may sound a little weird and could even bring back some bad memories for some, but you really have to practice how and what specifically you are going to say that might jar them out of their stupor.

    One thing that is crucial is to not put them in the shut-down mode. That is why to ones that do not know me personally, I never identify myself as having been a JW. I will tell them that I know several or have a few friends that are witnesses, and have discussed the bible with them on occasion. All true. Then I direct the conversation where I want it to go. Ask them a question and let them talk. As long as I direct the topic, I can be prepared on what to say.

    And we know more about the history, dogma, flip-flops, dishonesty and outright lies than 99.9% of those that we encounter.

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Billy: " Okay, you have to remember that it's not really lying if I don't tell them I'm a dunked JW and was a bethelite for 10+ years. They should understand theocratic warfare that I don't tell them information that they're not entitled to."

    neverscreamagain: " One thing that is crucial is to not put them in the shut-down mode. That is why to ones that do not know me personally, I never identify myself as having been a JW."

    I agree. That's usually my m.o. as well. It's been so long since I answered the door when they come and I was a little rusty today. Hence, the nerves again, I suppose.

    This is reminding me of an "experience" I had years ago and posted about. It was much more interesting than this one ;-) I'm going to look for it and bump the thread for y'all to read.

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