Don't have time to read replies, but I recall reading from a leaked elders manual that they told the elders to consider such things as: spirituality of the parents, could the child have "egged" on the perpetrator (not exact words, don't remember). After reading that, I just knew, I absolutely know that either now or in the not-so-distant past, one or more gb members was a pedophile (not including Green who they moved to a congregation to continue his molestations there), but I think at least one other is. There is just too much protecting of them for there to not be any other reason, not even protecting "Jehovah's" name.
Question? Do you know of any statutory rape, or Child Molestation cases handled as Consensual sex (fornication) by Jehovahs Witnesses Judicial Committees?
by Balaamsass 31 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
There is a group in the USA working for the abolishment of Statutory Rape;
There is a contingent of people who believe children “Consent and Flirt” ( Wikapedia article)
“The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States that works to abolish age of consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors, [2][3] and for the release of all men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion. [2][4] Some reports state that the group no longer has regular national meetings, and that as of the late 1990s, to avoid local police infiltration, the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters. [4][5] Around 1995, an undercover detective discovered that there were 1,100 people on the rolls. [4] As of 2005, a newspaper report stated that NAMBLA was based in New York and San Francisco, and held an annual gathering in New York City and monthly meetings around the country. In 1994, NAMBLA was expelled from the International Lesbian and Gay Association, having been the first US based organization to be a member. [16] Chicken Hawk: Men Who Love Boys was produced and directed by Adi Sideman in 1994. Members of NAMBLA were interviewed and presented defenses of the organization. Allen Ginsberg appeared in the film. [20]”