1914 is a pivotal foundational Jehovah's Witness doctrine.
It cannot be discarded.
However, like a quake-prone house, it can be refitted brick-by-laborious brick. The transformation began last century when the inside cover blurb that had adorned The Awake! magazine was changed; the blurb that stated that those who had witnesses the events of World War One would still be alive to witness the end of this wicked system of things. The Truth book (1968) had an impressively stark arrow starting at 1914 and pointedly descending around 1975. No guess what happened to that illustration after 1975 was not pierced by an arrow. It disappeared.
But there will be no demolishing of that quake-prone doctrine - but there has been a gradual, purposeful, solution-focused series of refittings. The overlapping generations is one of the more recent refits. The house still stands.
Like the refitted house, in some fundamental way the 1914 doctrine will still be the same but different.