BTW, the term is 'conscience', i.e. one's inner sense of right and wrong (morality); not 'conscious', which implies awareness (which relates to brain function: if you drink yourself unconscious, the brain function is depressed to the point where you lose consciousness and "pass out"). The former has a moral implication, while the latter doesn't.
You'll see why that is important in a bit!
Heh, Stillhurts dropped one of the phrases that got me thinking, probably without even realizing it:
I love God with all my heart
The Hebrews (and later, Greeks) actually believed the organ of thought and cognition was the HEART, and NOT the brain (as well all know today). In fact, ancient men before 300 BC in almost all cultures sincerely believed that the organs of thinking, emotions, making decisions, etc. were all found in the TORSO, NOT the head (i.e. the brain). So that phrase really should be interpreted as "I love God with all my brain (conscious thought)".
In fact, the romantic notion of feeling love in the heart was after Hebrew times, as they believed emotions were centered NOT in the heart, but the KIDNEYS. So when an Israelite boy wanted to express his love, he wouldn't send a heart symbol, but a kidney-shaped object (that's just an example for education purposes, to make it easier to follow).
Funny thing is YHWH Himself is quoted in Genesis referring to "evil THOUGHTS in the hearts of men" (Gen 8:21). Bible/Torah scholars quietly acknowledge that ancient Hebrews believed it as truth, as even a few famous Greeks did (Aristotle was famously WRONG in believing that men thought with their hearts; you can review his reasoning, and he had good rationale, but nevertheless, he WAS wrong). It wasn't until the Hippocrates school worked with patients with head injuries circa 300BC that they confirmed the role of the brain for thought.
Further, Hebrews believed the kidneys were also the organs of decision-making, NOT organs for urine formation (excretion). They thought you had two kidneys, lone good and one bad (like the good angel/bad demon one each shoulder, debating over which way to decide). That's the reason why kidneys and their fats were prized by Hebrews as GUILT offerings after making a poor decision.
The problem is, why would YHWH, the supposed creator of mankind, NOT understand basic human anatomy and physiology? Why would He create rituals based on misunderstood roles of the organs? Why would the Bible not mention the brain EVEN ONCE, the supposed pinnacle of his creation, giving man his superior reasoning capabilities? Why would He allow credit to be given to a muscle instead?
Answer: He wouldn't. The Bible was written by men who weren't Divinely-Inspired (no more than the GB has Holy Spirit guiding their path). They went with the best science available in their day, and unfortunately for them, it was FLAWED.
Some say, "well, it's just a figure of speech"! No, it was believed as literal truth at the time the Bible was written: that's the point. It was only after 3,000 yrs of improper usage in the Bible, with men's understanding of science offering the truth later, that the words were kept, but known NOT as literal truths, but accepted as a figure of speech.
Worse is, recent translations of the Bible have tried to cover up the error, by loosely translating the original Hebrew words so they don't reveal God's ignorance. THAT'S a crime, lying to protect God, and is just as bad as WT's attempts to protect their lies.