Evangelical or Fundamentalist xjw Christians showing up to bash or convert Witnesses has got to be one of the more pathetic public displays of dramtic irony.
Jehovah's Witnesses tell me to shut up!.. (2012 Assembly)
by Snoozy 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wasanelder Once
I was commenting on the Faux disgust, not weighing one fanatic against another. Pretend outrage is of no value, just state the facts, these drones ignored those drones. Tis all.
The Jehovah's Witnesses Version of "Amazing Grace"
I also shudder at how some behave toward the Witnesses, especially if it's unprovoked. I would prefer that we come off as the good guys in these encounters. I can appreciate how it feels to see another XJW stand up to them, however. But overall, I prefer dialogue (when possible) as well.
Band on the Run
HOlding a sign up, which berates someone's religion, while members are engaging in sacred behavior is not a way to win a single friend. First, could anyone who was truly interested approach you with all the other's Witnesses around. In my mind, this reinforces every stereotype about evil, rude apostates.
I would suggest one could achieve better results by particpating and engaging in subtle conversations that don't look like "I"M going to ram your head against a wall." No one was doing that.
My father used to be very confrontationals to Roman Catholics. It was his mission in life. He was very anti-Catholic before Bethel. Despite years and countless hours researching, he never converted a single Roman Catholic. All he did was make them appreciate the Catholic religion even more.
Public scandals, reported by neutral sources, are good for halting the spread of the cancer.
Engaging people in quiet, nonthreatening conversation has to be much better. It would make sense to discuss doctrine obliquely rather than head-on.
People have persuaded me to change my opiniion many times. Most of the time, they said something that with time, I came to their side. Ordering me not to believe something or being rude to someone important to me, never worked for me. For example, Rick Sanctorum's comments about women, families, and religion did not convert me to the conservative cause. What Ricky accomplished was to shake off my boredom and finally do concrete things for the Obama campaign.
People yelling at each other has always sold commercials on local TV. There is an entertainment value similar to watching a car wreck.
Most of the great folk songs do not directly protest. They set a mood or tell a very generalized story that is applicable to many situations.
Besides, what JW teetering on the brink of leaving, would voluntarily attend a convention and hear more wacko stuff for hours.
I think rudeness encourages greater JW particpation.
I loved all the comments..thanks.
And D.T...your post made me remember when I was singing their songs how much they reminded me of several hymns I had heard other religions sing. I am sure they actually have one that sounds a lot like "Amazing Grace"..only of course they make it a little different and change the words to suit their needs..as usual.
I think that no matter the person making the protest the JW's just look so aloof..still can't believe no one offered them any magazines on tape..they passed up a chance to "Witness"..
They were possibly drilled on how to react to any protestors before they came to the assemblies..
Back when I was a JW I don't remember any protestors..but we were told to witness to anyone..no matter who or when. Their blood would be on our hands if we didn't..heaven forbid!