Organizational statuses
by lostinthought 15 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry about the blank post I just got an iPad and I'm trying to figure out how to use it on this site still...anyway I need to vent! Why is everything based on status in this organization? I thought all you need to do in order for "salvation" was be a good witness. Why so much emphasis on full time ministry, privileges and such? All the geekiest brother has to say to a group of girls is "I'm a betholite" and they would be eating out the palm of his hand...he's so spirtual they squeal. Whatever...I recently stopped pioneering and never have felt better I am being true to my beliefs by not wasting my time and gas for seventy hours a month telling my neighbors they will die. How many pioneers actually make the monthly time without fibbing a little anyway? It's all in the name of status within the mom knows how I feel about organized religion yet she asked me today to return on the list WTF? I'd rather poke my eyes out, but of course the only reason she wants me to pioneer again is so that she can brag to her friends how wonderful and spiritual her children are even though I dont agree with witness teaching...well all thanks for listening
Why is everything based on status in this organization?
That is a good question considering Jesus told his disciples, "all you are brothers." (Mt 23:8) In fact, if you look at the context of that saying (Mt 23:1-12), Jesus is contrasting his disciples with the status seeking of the religious leaders of his day.
I think (and others may be able to point out specifics), but I think status and instilling a desire to attain it are characteristics of high-control groups. The status is used to reward obedient behaviour and taking it away is used to punish non-conformity.
Take Care
I've attended various Protestant churches over the years. From my outsiders' eye, there just aren't that many roles available in the Watchtower society. Especially for women. With a shortage of roles for the available talent, much will be made of little. I was taken aback, for instance, the fuss made over the handling and adjusting of microphones.
Yes, within minutes of being introduced to a Jehovah's Witness, I will get a full run-down of their status. How many generations "in" they are. If they serve (or by proxy, their husband) on the blood committee or the building committee. Publisher, Pioneer, whatever.
By comparison, a typical protestant church will have a women's committee, prayer groups, sunday school, outreach, men's breakfast, ushers, youth group, music ministry or a choir, a library perhaps. Room for all sorts of ability, introversion, and commitment.
Why is everything based on status in this organization?
Because the higher the status, the more you're doing for the Watch Tower for free.
Lostinthought, I'm glad it's not just me that is bothered by that silly attitude. People focusing on "status" really are narrow minded. But think about it, it's imparted into people's minds. How many "regular" guys get interviews on assemblies or conventions? About how many regular guys do you read in the magazines? How often are speakers on assemblies introduced as "Elder from Congregation soandso...", who cares, aren't all speakers Elders anyway? That's how it starts. Witnesses are nothing to outsiders (at least so they think) that's why they have to be someone in the Org.
It's a cult!
St George of England
"I'm a betholite"
I guess it's what you say if you chose window cleaning instead of education!
JW organizational structure wouldn't be so bad if they "really" had the "TRUTH". Everlasting life is a pretty big thing and is worth suffering through crazy organizational crap. Unfortunately, like all religions they haven't proven they are the chosen ones.
The phrasing that is used when an elder or ms "steps down" from his position really shows how the position is actually viewed, it is not one of serving others but one of a higher position. If it was one of service to others wouldn't you have to "step up"?
I have even heard ones say that they were "stepping down" from pioneering. What? Simply viewed as a position of status. Others has mentioned that because of some reason or another that they were not "approved" to be a regular or auxilliary pioneer, so it limited what they could do. If they were really concerned about the "preaching work" wouldn't they just get their butt out their and put in the same amount of hours? Oh no! You have to have the Title to do that.