How many others, besides myself, that take AMBIEN? Done anything crazy while you were on it?
by PaintedToeNail 20 Replies latest jw friends
rather be in hades
no, but i'm curious. do please go on and tell us :)
Screwed up the other post, so I'll try again. Ambien has been list as causing all kinds of unwanted behavior done while the person is sleeping. Thing like sleep driving, sleep eating, facebooking, having sex. One woman wrote that while under this hallucinating drug, see saw a pop up add about cruising to scandanvia. She whip out her credit card and booked a trip. The trip was unrefundable, so they had to go...she said it was difficult to enjoy the trip, bedause you know that at the moment your home is getting foreclosed on.
Another woman ended up drivig while asleep over to her fiance house, she yell until he came outside, where she proceeded to force him to havd anal sex with him, while they were in full of everyone. Once they were done, she hopped in her car and drove home. The next day, the fiance called to find out what the f-ck was going on. She could remember nothing. She was utterly humiliatedl
I one time was viewing picture of Vietnam, I had already taken My ambien, the next thing I know an add for 'meet asian men comes up. I filled out the form! I didn't remember doing it. Sometimes I come into the kitchen and there are cookie crumbs on the counters and an empty box of cookie. I quiz my kids, and they did not know anything about it. They are somewhat miffed to have the cookie gone.
How about you-does anything odd happen to you?
Band on the Run
The first time I took it I was talking, sitting upright at the dining table. When I woke up, I was asleep on the sofa with a ring of chairs surrounding me. Every chair in the apt. was around me. My roommate said that I was upright one minute, and then fell over on my side quite gracefully and very asleep.
The doctor did tell me to go to bed in ten minutes, but I thought there was a margin.
I never had any strange experience after that one epsidoe.
Aren't there better mds on the mkt now?
rather be in hades
botr, that's pretty hilarious. were you a jw at the time? did you think the demons did something nutty?
rip van winkle
Nothing bad, really.
So far, I haven't sleep driven(that I know of!!!). No I really haven't.
nor sleep sex(that I know of!!!), No unless I did while I was alone!!!!!!!!!
but I have sleep cooked! and sleep eaten!
and have no memory of it except for waking up really full, weight gain, missing food, etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Otherwise it may take several hours from waking if there aren't tell-tale signs like dishes and fullness and missing groceries to remember!!!
Last night. I was tripping because thought my kitchen floor turned black!!!!!!! (This was a new bottle and I don't remember ever having that kind of experience)
It's really funny!!!
I would like to hear your crazy Ambien stories.
rip van winkle
Oh PTN, I see your post now!!!! So funny and scary!!!! and Band!!!!LOL
rather be in hades
you guys are kinda making me jealous lol
I take it occasionally, usually only half a pill. I've never had any untoward side effects.
My boyfriend on the other hand had an amusing experience. One day he was getting ready for work and had a board meeting to go to, and he took his morning meds but unintentionally took an ambien (opened the wrong bottle). I was like, holy crap, what's gonna happen now? He figured he better leave immediately to get to the office before it takes effect, otherwise he would be driving under the influence. He then went to the board meeting, but it was something of a disaster. He called me a little later to say that he started hallucinating during the meeting.
I was under the influence of Ambien when I wrote the orginal topic post. My spelling was atrocious!
There are newer meds, I'm thinking of trying Lunesta or some other product, the clinical testing results on Ambien, early death and cancer of the brain are somewhat scary.