Terry said:
The word conscience can be amusingly dissected. Science means knowledge and we all know what a "con" is.
Close, but no ceegar. :)
The prefix 'con-' implies "with" or "alongside". Hence, 'prefix' implies decisions that are made in light of certain facts (gnos), but not based solely on the facts, but alongside the knowledge, i.e. considering the moral implications.
PS I love it when the WT uses the phrase, "God-given conscience". Uh, NO.
God didn't "give conscience to man as a gift"! Far from it!
Genesis 2 reveals that YHWH didn't WANT man to have an inner sense of morality, an inner moral compass, AKA a conscience.
In fact, God actively PROHIBITED them from eating of the forbidden fruit, which gave them "wisdom", the necessary missing ingredient that is absolutely required in order to make proper rational choices (instead of just following orders). In fact, it wasn't a "gift": Adam and Eve had to STEAL wisdom from God's private stash (and even there, they weren't even capable of understanding the wrongness of their theft, until AFTER they eat the fruit). God didn't WANT to have wisdom, but to remain fools.
The traditional interpretation offered in church is simply part of the mind-control, trying to make out theft (which is also the explanation offered to justify the harsh death penality which all mankind experiences) as if it were a "gift from God".... More spinning, and lies.
Wait: who's the "Great Deceiver" again? It's ever so hard to tell!! ;)
Ding said:
In WT lingo, "conscience matter" means, "Do it our way, but if that causes problems, it's not our responsibility. You're on your own..."
Word. Plausible deniability is what the WTBTS is ALL about....
In fact, the instructions for the new Blood Card proves that, better than anything possibly could:
the instructions make it perfectly clear that the JW member is signing the card as a matter of conscience, and NOT being forced to do so by anyone else. JW R&F sign the card, and it legally shields the WTBTS, letting them completely off the hook, as the Society's lawyers could simply point to the instructions that are used by the member to complete the card. The Society is air-tight, since the members sign, and the instruction says that they did it using their own "free-will" (another legal term few actually understand, and hence routinely abuse).
R&F JWs don't even recognize a standard legal disclaimer absolving the WTBTS of liability, even if they see it with their own two eyes.... (and with such poor powers of observation and critical-thinking skills, they dare call themselves "witnesses"?)