Punk got shunned HURRAH!!!!

by punkofnice 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    So I was DA'd last September as a 'Mentally Diseased Apostate'(TM) that the 'Jehu elders'(TM) should 'slaughter'(TM) if the law of the land allows it.

    I now get shunned in the street and I think it's so childish of the Dubs to do so. One family that shunned me was a family I bent over backwards to help them when they had to move house. Their loss...I won't help them again!

    Another was this really boring 'Brother'(TM) who always stopped me and bored me to death by talking at me for ages even when I said 'I gotta go, mate, my ice cream's getting cold!' he would follow me and drone on about..........well, I don't know, I never listened.

    The other week I saw him and he shunned me! JUBILATION!!!! I'm so happy. Thank you WBT$ you spared me from wasting my life trying to be nice to a dolt. YIPPEEEEEEEEEE! PRAISE SPARLOCK!!

  • Quandry

    Next time you could wave at them and yell, "Nice talking to you!-Hey-any new generation teachings after the overlap thing? How's that going?"

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Lol, nice...

    Its a bit like getting released from prison, so all the prisoners inside decide to give you the cold shoulder. When they're still inside. And you aren't.

    It's funny how they don't realize it's only reinforcing their own isolation, not yours.

  • punkofnice

    Quandry - I like it!

    King Soloman - Yes, agreed. It's supposed to make me feel sad and want to go back but has the opposite effect. I see how controlled they are. Controlled into depression.

    I told my JW family that if any JW comes to the house they're not coming in if they're going to shun me. They can't come into my house where I'm still the head (apparently), eat my food, drink my drink, accept my hospitality then ingore me. NO WAY!

    I wasn't popular with the family but I'm not having WBT$ rule my life!

  • aquagirl

    If you greet them loudly with"hey hows that Jehovahs Witness child abuse thing going?"they will really start avoiding you...Lol.Good for you!!!Its hard to not get a teeny bit offended when someone shuns you,because its just impolite.But,you have to remember that hese folks are in a cult and totally brainwashed.You are doing so well,Proud of you!!!!!!!

  • cedars

    Someone really should record a new version of this song, retitled "Shunning In The Street"!!



  • Balaamsass


  • still thinking
    still thinking
    I told my JW family that if any JW comes to the house they're not coming in if they're going to shun me. They can't come into my house where I'm still the head (apparently), eat my food, drink my drink, accept my hospitality then ingore me. NO WAY!

    You are too kind helping them to shun you...I don't think they understand proper shunning...shunning your food and drink is a must....they might ingest satan.......as the head of the house it is your responsibility to protect them from yourself...LOL

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    i love it lol, nice going punkofnice

  • earthfire

    Congrats! Sweet freedom

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