The End of False Religion Is Near! HAHAHA

by tootired2care 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wannabefree

    I noticed in the Letter to BOE from Atlantis that Kindom News 38 campaign will hit the world during November 2013.

    7 Years ago we had KN37 referred to in this topic.

    I wonder what the title will be this time .... "The End of False Religion is Even Nearer .... Really!"

    I remember being excited about KN37 and having a very active share, certain the Organization knew something ... now I know that what they knew was they needed to do something to create a sense of urgency for the flock. I hate that cult.

  • Heaven


    Could you explain how the cat-woman got in that picture?

    The other two guys look like they're imitating John Lovitz as the devil.

    Hey, Bobcat... just saw this. The cat-woman... LOL! I have no idea how these tribal peoples can completely cover their bodies in colours like these. I assume the black one has used charcoal from burnt wood. Maybe they have a tar pit closeby? Those red dudes (maybe they're women?) ... probably some kind of dye/paint made from bug juices or plants/berries.

    That Amazonian tribe was discovered in 2008. No one knew they existed before. So much for Botchtower 'preaching to all the inhabitted Earth' like I was told as a kid. For thousands, more like 100's of thousands of years these peeps have never heard the 'live saving message' from Christians nor Botchtower. Religion, especially the bogus Botchtower religion/cult, is highly unnecessary for life to exist and flourish.

  • Finkelstein

    Religion = human ignorance , fear , superstition.

    Example - That Amazonian tribe that was discovered in 2008.

    Religion though can and does cultivate power and control for men to appeal toward there own self identity to who they personally are.

    Get it ?

  • tootired2care

    BTT, I wonder how Stand For Pure Worship would spin this recent false prophecy of the Watchtower.

  • marmot

    Wow, six (well, seven, given that this thread is a year old) years already? I remember the brother (Craig Pollack from Winnipeg) who gave the talk when this tract was unveiled and I distinctly remember his words. He started by sniffing loudly into the microphone and saying "Armageddon is SOOOO close, can you smell it?"

    I was technically still in at the time but I couldn't help but laugh inwardly and think yeah, smells like bullshit.

  • ldrnomo

    I've heard-say that the Society was quietly hoping to spark the great tribulation with this tract. Nothing official. Just several expressing the same thought which made it curious. I wonder if any others have heard such a thing?

    I didn't hear this from anyone but I thought it.

  • ToesUp

    For all of your JW friends and family concerned over this years "Bunker" video. Remind them of this very important tract work years ago. I remember everyone in our area was on edge...Stating this is Jehovah's final message! LOL Since this brochure was distributed, in our area alone, the local churches are expanding and growing. Turning small home town churches into Mega arenas.

  • Steel

    JWs are literally the Sheldon Coopers of religion. Come to your door, day something incredibly rude and are shocked you offended by it.

    I swear, I wonder how many are in the religion for the troll factor alone. I know a few who are majors assholes and it gives them the perfect venue to be the worthless pricks they are.

  • truthseeker

    I remember my first special tract campaign. It was 1995 and the tract was entitled "Will All People Ever Love One Another?"


  • truthseeker

    I remember my first special tract campaign. It was 1995 and the tract was entitled "Will All People Ever Love One Another?"


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