i was just thinking about how often i prayed when i was going downhill.
now i subscribed wholeheartedly to the 'don't pray for bullshit requests' concept, so at first i rarely prayed.
starting around middle school, 9/10 i prayed for friends. didn't really pray to stop the teasing, my fists did some of that and besides...racism isn't/wasn't jehovah's fault anyway and i can't pray for that to end when he allowed the witnesses to suffer in ww2.
through high school, same issue and then when i started pioneering and hanging out with some of the other witnesses, those prayers prayers for friends intensified cuz they were asses.
but they were dominated by the prayers to love god starting around 15. i didn't want to read the magazines, despite how much i love reading. didn't want to stdy the lessons, didn't want to plan my presentations, though i did enjoy giving the talks and crafting them. i like to argue as some of you have noticed :P i needed to love god so that i'd have the desire to do all that crap and it never came. i needed to love god because i sre as hell wasn't gonna make it through any tribulation in that state. you want me to take a bullet for a god i wouldn't even have a beer with? hmmmm
even studied with an elder i was close with well after i got baptized, after i stopped pioneering even, and we'd talk and i'd try to understand love and how to love god. obviosly it didn't work cuz here i am lol.
so god didn't help me to even love him. how many other prayers does god not listen to? when i fell out, a lot of my prayers were angry, hateful and they hurt. lot's of tears. i was falling apart and there were many times i begged god to prove himself, to tell me everythign i had done wasn't in vain. eventually that turned into, why even let me live? that went even darker and i'm kinda sad thinkin about that.
maybe my prayers weren't answered because maybe god doesn't exist. i wish one did though and i'd wish he wasn't a dick hole like jehovah