JW's-A religion of convenience

by apostate man 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Imbue

    I guess Neablis was right Dan you were back in an hour. Maybe he's a prophet?

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    I never said is was easy to be a JW. Maybe I should have titled my post "Come on in, welcome to the JW fold" (published by WT) or something like that. I am sure for the JW him/herself it was, and is, hell.

    Alcohol My understanding is that it is OK to drink. I have lived with JW's for a short while and have seen this. They will tell you that it is not OK to get drunk or catch a buzz, but they are all trusted to be experts on this and to police themselves. How can anyone honestly know how much is too much, before you get to that point?

    Christmas They do not celebrate Christmas anymore, but do have a January "gift exchange" every year. Maybe not all the JW's do this, but all the ones I know, DO.


    Repentance?? Yes the elders would tell you if they thought u were repentant or not....
    Thats scary, to depend on an elder to tell you if you were repentant. I think God may have a say in this....

    New Light. Here is a thread I started on the subject. Read the correct meaning of this scripture posted by me about 10 replies down.

    SO, I understand, sort of, the hardships of being a JW. I am saying that it looks convenient to outsiders that may be searching for a religion. Understand???

  • Beck_Melbourne


    I guess it was that word "convenient" that threw me. My life was everything 'but' convenient. I can also understand how you must feel observing the JW life and living with JW people...and in theory...newly associating ones could indeed look at the JW practices and think it appealing...because it could give off the impression that they are taking the 'easy way out'...when it comes to the things you mentioned.

    I think 'in theory' is very different to 'in practice'.

    But I get your drift.


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