A real person, with real feelings, who doesn't deserve to be bullied on-line.
And who deserves some real reality, which in a sense they're getting here. But perhaps we should let the poster in question promote Godlike Productions and encourage the posting of ridiculous shite. Or at least look the other way, eh?
The question is, are we talking about their feelings here or yours? Because from what I've read, they don't seem to care about negative responses or any feedback for that matter. Just another poster on a mission from god. Besides, this thread is nothing as far as insults have gone for 867pintofkeiths5309, lol.
I have a dear cousin, who is mentally challenged. I hate to think of how he would get treated by someone like YOU.
Never met your cousin so you really don't know. Besides, this isn't about your cousin. Not thinking about virtual thugs like us pummeling strawmen you create is likely in your best interest ;)