Would You Listen To A Prayer From A JW And Say Amen If They Said A Prayer In Your Presence?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShirleyW

    When my mother was in the hospital two Dubs happened to be there when I was, but he did ask do you mind if I say a brief prayer.

    Definitely don't bow my head for a Dub prayer, but wouldn't do it for any other religion either.

  • Diest

    I like to say Ramen....in honor of FSM.

  • Sheep2slaughter

    Nope. I will silently agree with points I find agreeable during the prayer at meeting and suppose I would do the same if it was done in a more private setting. But I won't give them the satisfaction of verbally agreeing with their load of crap.

  • strymeckirules

    never again is my mentality.

    they don't know who they are praying to. Who is jehovah? which ancient scroll did that name come from? MANMADE.

    they don't say "heavenly father" like jesus told them. some do but rarely.

    they dont say yahweh either. and they definiatly don't pray to jesus.

    they act like the prayer is a magic spell and everything will be okay after they pray.

    tell them to send up an instant silent prayer like nehimiah did before the king (if i remember correctly).

    would you let a mormon pray with your mom?

    how about a scientologist?

    get away from me you workers of lawlessness.

    no offence intended except to the mormons, scientologists and JWs.

    i still pray.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    My wife and I have both been saying "AYMEN" after all JW prayers for a couple years now.

    We just add a "G" before it and see how loud we can say it before anyone notices.














    Can I get a nice big GAYMEN?

    (We have gotten one or two double takes: "Gladys, did they just say what I thought they said?"

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Vanderhoven said:

    The same with their literature. I will receive it and read it, but they on the contrary will refuse the literature I offer.

    That's because they're selling, not buying. No commerce there, no trading of ideas.

    It's pointless to engage in a conversation when people aren't at least bothering to present a pretense of possessing an open-mind.

  • finallysomepride

    Never again, last time i heard a jw prayer was 2 years ago at my dads funeral, i didn't then & never will again, however I did say my own prayer.

  • hybridous

    I had a very dear JW grandparent die recently.

    The Memorial Service contained a beautiul EULOGY to their life and personality. I was happily...shocked!

    Of course, at the end was the 'reminder', 'plea', what-have-you...to get right with God, as my grandparent did. But it was far from heavy-handed advertisement we have growm accustomes to in the KH. It was more of an obligatory gloss-over, if anything.

    This one elder....I don't know why he did what he did. He broke from the script, and did an absolutely wonderful thing for my family.

    I, of course, have different opinions concerning JW doctrine/beliefs - but at the concluding prayer, I said 'AMEN'. And I meant it. And I'd do it again.

  • minimus

    I try to be aware of my believing mom's feelings. If I didn't agree, I wouldn't agree.

  • minimus

    I try to be aware of my believing mom's feelings. If I didn't agree, I wouldn't agree.

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