What a day! First of all one of my electronic devises broke so the store said they would replace it I just needed to show Id, I removed my license from my wallet and saw my blood card staring me in the face I couldn't stand looking at it so I took it and crumpled it up and threw it away, upon leaving the store I had a car accident it the parking lot, nobody was terribly injured but it was my fault so I feel bad...but I also feel elated that I tore up the card, what if I had a really bad accident and I needed blood? What could have happened to me?
No more blood card
by lostinthought 20 Replies latest jw friends
Lostinthought, Wow talk about timing! I had to have surgery last winter soon after I had torn up my blood card. It was such a relief not to have to even discuss the issue with my doctors.
cult classic
A few years ago I had surgery that potentially could have resulted in a huge loss of blood.
While filling out my paperwork I stated that I had no religious affiliation.
YAY for me! Very freeing!
I ripped up my blood card, but I have a thick medical file and many copies were taken of that card. So I made sure to tell every single doctor that I was no longer a JW and would accept blood. I mentioned it several times and make sure that infor is current. It is also the first thing I say when I go into a hospital---that they need to update my file, right away, because all info on my rejection of blood and my religion is no longer valid.
I worried about it for a while, because as I said, I have a thick file. But it seems to be sorted out now.
From what I understand, they no longer have expiration dates---which means if you hand it over one time, you really need to be proactive to erase it.
Yes I remember the feeling of throwing mine away. It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. Now you should consider donating blood as you may need some yourself one day!
I would suggest getting a healthcare proxy though that details your medical wishes and get the signature of someone who is willing to support your wishes (and an alternate).
I shreded my card after I accepted blood fractions back in 2002 and 2004 when I needed Mitril heart valve surgery. And to my surprise the WT$ now finds blood fractions acceptable.Dam cult.
I agree with Blondie..get a healthcare proxy..Hubby had one and he also told all the Drs and hospital he was a witness and gave them notorized copies of the papers stating no blood. He also made copies of his blood card for them.They never looked at them when they came in his room (It ws on his chart) and always asked him what blood type he was..it really pissed him and his JW mom off..
I too had a operation and lost a lot of blood as a JW..They were just letting me bleed.They finally operated to stop the bleeding but Iwas very weak from losing so much blood. I later learned I was also low on Vit K..Thankfully the anesthesiologist caught it and started Ringers in both hands..with huge needles. He was mad because none of the Drs or nurses seem to give a d_m..Course the Dr was one that supposedly sympathized with the JW's and they all went to him for surgery. He probably secretly hated them and was trying to kill them off..Did I tell you the Drs nickname with the nurses was Dr Butcher?..yeah..that was the ones the JW's said was so nice to the JW's..
The Dr Butcher died from Cancer a few months after that.
I remember tearing that thing up long before I was able to leave the cult, probably around 12 or 13. There was no way I was willing to die for my parents backwardass beliefs.
I now carry a medical record card where I state : I reject J.W.blood doct./policy I accept all med. proc.including blood products. and dutifully signed.