More conspiracy theorty here (and less evidence) than in Roswell, New Mexico.
Question: Why would the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society "launder" money?
by Balaamsass 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals
rather be in hades
maybe the accounts and such are done to keep things hidden from the rank and file. there doesn't have to be an illegal operation going on for this to make sense to them.
we're on the outside and we know they're a crock of shit, yet even we can't follow the money trail so how much harder would it be for someone who doesn't even know to LOOK for something suspicious?
i think the anonymous stff mentioned in bank transfers and the ease/speed/no red flags that occurs. the jws are involved with hedge funds. they have god only knows how many corporations. seems like it's just good for business.
Having A corporation or two seems to be smart, but what an accounting nightmare! Think of all the filings, board meetings, minutes, state filings etc, etc. Who else does this kind of stuff ? VERY WEIRD especially for a tax exempt religion. JWs are less than 1% of the US population.
"The Watchtower does not need to do this - their source of cash (while
arguably not really 'moral') is legally legitimate."Aside from the links I gave above of how past Watchtower leaders misrepre-
sented their efforts for money, I think most of us at this message board ques-
tion the legitimacy of the efforts of all the watchtower leaders since the
1880's to make money. The legality of it has seemed questionable to the extent
of many wondering when the government will do the research to bring the watch-
tower leaders to task before the law.Freedom of religion in the US is meant to provide the choice of whether or not
to believe in God short of people being hurt or killed over it in ways generally
considered unlawful. doesn't cover the GB considering the wealth of examples of them being
disingenuous, not of sincere belief, in how they offer support of their dis-
tinctive policies. people are free to sell books whether true or fiction, and free to choose
whether or not to put money in collection plates or boxes of religious teachers,
religious leaders showing a decades-long habit of creating false pretenses to
make money (claiming to need it to spend on charity but spending it elsewhere,
etc.) are considered thieves even by angry followers.All due respect to God being possible and freedom to choose whether or not you
hope God is there, I draw the line at people being hurt or killed for such
things. Without proof of God for all and that this God wants the hurting and
killing, hurting and killing for God is arbitrary hurting and killing--sadism
and murder.Notable among their deceptions, the GB leaders have agreed to issue blood
policies that have misrepresented the medical issues and deceived people into
thinking the God of the Bible required them to let whatever number, including
kids, die at hospitals, esp. in areas or previous times of fewer options. to choose medical treatment doesn't cover freedom to misrepresent
dangers to those who have to choose. Even aspirin has to carry a warning label.Organized crime is about money no matter what: extortion, running jobs, hurt-
ing and even killing people, etc. The leaders may gather to hash out how to run
it, but when they leave that room, everyone has to agree to tell the same lies. comparison of the GB and organized crime isn't fair to organized crime.
Even Scarface (Al Pacino) shot the guy next to him in the front of his car when
he was going to push a button to cause the car ahead of them to blow up because
there were two little kids in the back seat. Even Scarface would consider that
low. You can lie and make money without killing little kids. those things, I don't know of the GB doing illigitimate things to make
money. But if you don't mind lying though little kids may die unneccesarily at
hospitals, you've gone over a line--who knows?