Either no longer lucrative or too prohibitively exspensive because of potential lawsuits.
With most paper magazines going to on-line versions (which are subscription-based), I think it's only a matter of time before they read the handwriting is on the wall. They may have made a tactical error in forgoing the subscription model (although the dedicated R&F would sign up for it). Even if they go to on-line distribution, I don't think they'd risk selling ad revenue (based on page hits): no doubt some JWs would realize it was like the Temple being over-run by the money-changers and those selling things, and Jesus' bride would be reprimanded by Jesus, who'd be forced to overturn the tables she set up....
Maybe they need to change strategy, standing on streetcorners with huge signs pointing to the official site. ,
Kinda like this guy, but with a bigger URL?
I suggested to JWs that if they want to keep up, they're going to have to get bigger signs, and maybe start with the sign-dancing thing (like the Little Caesar guy in town: he IS good, and people love to watch him and honk as they drive by....). They were not amused....