The Jackson Family Circus -or- WE know whats really going on with Katherine Jackson vs her kids...

by Unlearn 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • EmptyInside

    Well,I thought it was because of Katherine's health. I don't know. If these kids grow up normal,it will be a miracle.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I did some research on mainstream news sources b/c of the comments in this thread about JWs and custody. The NYT and others barely mention it. Perhaps two sentences worth. They report the court hearing but no details are given. Further, I am not a Jackson fan so the list of characters involved in the story is beyond my comprehension. If it were classic rock related, perhaps I could pierce it together.

    I know the will is being disputed which is probl. routine given his mental/physical state and the money involved. (The Jacksons seem to forget that the Beatles, Stones, WHO, Dylan ever existed). When I see them on TV promoting their material, they talk as if Michael were a god-the only star with fame ever. Elvis was/is the king, not Michael, IMO.)

    Not one of them has ever refuted the Witnesses. They seem to go to extraordinary lengths to soften the issue. We notice a few remarks b/c we are hypersensitive and aware of the issues of being JW. It seems as only one daughter, who never went into music, would qualify as a Witness, and, of course, the mother. After all these years I would expect one would distance themselves more. I loved my mom terribly but I never would soft pedal the impact of a Witness upbringing.

    Joe is not a Witness. I am curious if the mom has some financial advantage over them that they tread lightly.

    Michael could have written his intentions more clearly. It strikes me that this whole situation was triggered by the will fight. Am I correct that $85,000. is the monthly fee for the service of being guardian, not the actual living allowance for the children?

    After his Mom, his choice was Diana Ross, who is no longer young. I wonder if Michael ever consulted her before including her. It is a damning comment towards his family. When he chose his mom, he knew they would be raised JWs and he still named her. Also, isn't it odd for ALL these siblings to be so inextricably intertwined with Michael's children. One would think that Michael named the entire group as guardian.

    I do believe the press would jump on this element if it were the cause.

  • nugget

    Tito Jnr now has custody of the children.

  • MidwichCuckoo
  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Fast forward 10 years and we shall see some very damaged teenagers acting out, i'm sure of that.


  • WTWizard

    I would rather Janet have the children, if only because that would make sure the children are worldly and not witlesses. The witlesses will go to huge lengths to make sure that doesn't happen because they are after souls. True, money makes a difference--but it's for the souls that the witlesses really care. And that the money ends up going to them after the souls reach final damnation.

    As for the money, Michael and Janet Jackson both earned it. Janet Jackson has had multiple albums that I like--Control, Rhythm Nation, Janet, and All For You are all great albums by any standard. I have them all--the ones I didn't have before hearing she was disfellowshipped I picked up after finding, and realized I was missing out on some great music. Including her first album Janet Jackson and the second Dream Street, both fine R&B albums that were pre-mainstream. And Michael Jackson--he really knows how to create music. Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous, History, and Invincible--I have them all. I also have most of the Jacksons albums, their boxed set, and Michael's boxed set. Highly recommended. Their money was EARNED.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I caught up with this in the gossippy news. JW or not, I don't imagine their grandma actually just left without telling them and without making sure they were supervised.

    So it is most likely that the truth of the matter is not in the news at all. I say it is possible that it was an attempt to actually free them from Grandma and her JW cult.

  • james_woods

    More speculation here (with less proof) than in the hills overlooking Area 51.

  • undercover

    All I read was that she was in Arizona and couldn't be reached. To a couple of family members, it seemed suspicious. To me though I figured she was at the convention, thus out of touch (literally, as well as already mentally) for the weekend. Probably not the case, but it's as good as anything else anyone has come up with.

  • rebel8

    the press assume that the only reason MJ's brothers and Janet are contesting his will and want control of the kids, is money.

    Here it was not reported that way at all. A clip was played of the mother saying she just felt like going to Arizona to visit someone and leaving children alone. She said she didn't feel like taking calls so she turned off her cell phone and refused to take any calls.

    It was an audio clip of her own voice saying this.

    Then they talked about Tito taking care of them for a while because the mother is a kook, and Tito just wanting to formalize it after this latest fiasco.

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