What did you have to hide from the elder's sight if they came to your house?
Quick, the elders are coming to the house! Hide that!
by bronzefist 26 Replies latest jw friends
Books that they might object to, which includes a lot of books.
hide the tv remote control in my locked car so they will not surf the channels that easy on my tv and I set the TV to CNN Channel 202. I have Playboy TV on channel 590. Hide Condoms and Lubricants too, you just never know they might snoop in my drawers.
elders love to make unannounced home calls around 6 or 7. It is a rude thing to do under any circumstance, but they love catch suspects off guard. If there are two together you know damn well they are not there to invite you on a picnic.
More the opposite end of the spectrum, but related to Elders snooping, when newish in the truth, I had bought one of the Kingdom melody cassettes thinking it would be the same as played in the hall so I could sing along at home, I really didnt like it though so only played it the once, however, when an Elder came around, he looked to see the sort of music I was listening too, and was very impressed to see said tape in the cassette player.
I never tolerated unannounced visits by elders, not even rank and file jws and that was before. I would just answer the door with my robe and slippers on, hair askew, reddened nose and coughing...that sent them running even the rude ones. I let it be known that my place was not a rest stop, not to wait till they or their children were doing the peepee shuffle and show up at my door. Would direct them to the stop and go 2 blocks away.
I remember the snoopers at a book study I went to...checked the medications in the bathroom until the homeowner finally locked them away. They finally boobytrapped the medicine cabinet with marbles....haha, it was the conductor's 16 year old son and he said he was looking for some aspirin...he and family transferred to another congregation.
Aspirin? I don't think so. ;-)
LOL blondie! Marbles, that's CLASSIC
their wives
and at some point their daughters :-)