You Lazy Ass JW`s..
Don`t do Enough for the WBT$..
Then you Go Home and Scream at each Other..
WTF is Wrong with You?..
........................ ...OUTLAW
by cedars 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You Lazy Ass JW`s..
Don`t do Enough for the WBT$..
Then you Go Home and Scream at each Other..
WTF is Wrong with You?..
........................ ...OUTLAW
Blondie gets the bullseye again!
He's not 2 faced. He asked himself at home first whether he screamed and now it's their
Anthony seems to enjoy his talks quite a bit. He reminds me of Sheriff Andy Griffith from Mayberry.
Outlaw: LOL!!!
NOT enough!
Read the letter youyou from the spimGB in the yearbook and count!
YOU THOU are a d***head Antony III!
Ahhhh, I remember "Network" and sticking out your head out the window to scream I'm mad as hell and I'm not taking it anymore!
Wouldn't that just be a big relief while Thony the Thurd is going on and on about "YOU scream at each other"
I'd like to scream at him, what a fraud he is.
Paul screamed at Peter when he was being a hypocrite.
Jesus screamed and whipped while driving the money changers out of the Temple.
The WT older men minions who hound the R&F aren't supposed to scream, just calmly state "it will be announced that you are no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses (oh and by that it's implied you're going to lose your family and friends you've grown up with) but there's no need to scream, no need to get all worked up in this Organization, just keep taking the mood enhancing drugs and be a good JDoobee"
YOU know what... I shall go on quietly and surreptitiously degrading this bOrganization, like a rust on steel, like a sticky gangrenous and festering wounding stench on the on the balls of the Watchtower, sapping away its spunk of mind controling power.