Happiness: How to Find It - A new JW novel. Read it for free!

by donuthole 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • donuthole

    Hello to the vast apostate army! I have exciting news to share. My new romance novel debuts today on Curiosity Quills Press as a serial novel. Each Thursday you'll be able to read a new chapter for FREE. (A print/eBook version will follow in 2013.) I had a blast writing this story and hope that you will enjoy it. It's fun. Here is the first chapter --> http://curiosityquills.com/happiness-how-to-find-it-chapter-one/

    “The hard­est choice she ever had to make was between true religion and true love.”

    Rose Gluck thought she had every­thing in life. Just out of high school, she spent her days working as a pioneer minister of her Jehovah’s Witness faith, going door-to-door teaching others about the Bible and the happifying future God had planned. She thought she knew what it meant to be happy, but things would change when Wyatt True shows up.

    Drawn to the dashing young brother, Rose experiences feelings that she never knew existed. Meanwhile, despite his vow of singleness, Wyatt can’t but help to fall for the beautiful young sis­ter. But the Presiding Overseer of the congregation has his own plans for Rose. Will Rose find eternal happiness?

  • DT

    I enjoyed the first chapter. I'm looking forward to reading more.

  • Terry

    Have you ever watched the feature film WORLD'S APART?

    Worlds Apart | Film | Sundance Channel


    Denmark's entry for the 2008 Oscars was filmmaker Niels Arden Oplev's notably nuanced story of a teenage Jehovah's Witness (Rosalinde Spanning) who falls in love with an unbeliever. When church elders learn of 17-year-old Sara's romance and insist that she recount intimate details, they force her to choose between Teis (Pilou Asbaek) and isolation from her family and community. Based on a true story, WORLDS APART's evenhanded, documentary-like approach to fundamentalist belief and structures allows for rare viewer empathy and understanding.

  • donuthole

    @DT - Thanks!

    @Terry - Yes I have seen Worlds Apart. That's a great film! Happiness is also a love story and shares similar themes, but the narrative goes a different direction.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I will check this out. . .

    . . . but where's the shiny gold cover?

  • donuthole

    @breakfast of champions

    Ha! My cover is a 1990's reboot.

    BTW - Breakfast of Champions is my favorite Vonnegut.

  • talesin

    I really enjoyed that, and was eager to 'turn the page' ... it's on my calendar for next Thursday.



    ps. loves to cook but not do dishes ... hmmm, yup, you have the 'man' gene! lol ,,, just teasing ...

  • donuthole


    See you next Thursday. Yup, I am a man. I own it. :-)

  • Deceived

    I read the first chapter and will be back next week to read chapter 2 ;-)

    I already relate to it being raised in the truth and though it wasn't my Grandmother, my parents had me going full time door to door with them when I was a teenager. Picnics in the country with cheap food LOL etc and then on with the return visits and bible studies all day long everyday.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I can't wait for the next installment!

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