It is worth noting that most of C.T.Russell's doctrines were simply "lifted" from current 2nd Adventist ideas, teachings and theology. Women were welcomed as teachers and prophets.
There was no prejudice against the fair sex.
Perhaps Maria fit in well with the peer group that surrounded Russell and was viewed without sexist bigotry.
Maria must have been a fascinating woman living at the wrong time in an era before women were allowed to "have a say".
But, she had plenty to say.
When she met Russell it was only a matter of months before they married.
All indications demonstrate that Maria was an invaluable assist in straightening out Russell's writings as to organization, punctuation and ideas.
Maria "fixed" the errors of her husband's writings and added writing of her own at HIS invitation.
When Maria traveled to various women's groups she was extraordinarily well-received.
Gradually, in my opinion, Maria over-shadowed Russell intellectually to the point he resented it and his ego was offended. He undercut her in little ways and it became more and more publicly humiliating to her.
Domestically the idea that a marriage was LEGAL when it had not been consummated is laughable!
This guy had a weird side.
Rose Ball being adopted by this strictly business couple just doesn't fit in to the arrangement.
Did they want a family or didn't they? What was the "sin" of producing their own child?
Was something awry with Russell's genitals? The mind boggles at the very premise of the arrangement.
All the descriptions of how Russell behaved point to a strange fellow of odd habits and strange predilections.
When it started to fall apart Maria asked for a kind of LEGAL SEPARATION.
That was necessary "why"? She continued with Russell for about four years before it was unbearable to be around him due
He was punishing Maria and, in her words, "torturing" her psychologically.
What kind of husband, christian, adoptive father or kind human being does that??