Somebody said:
If we trust the Governing Body, then we would HAVE to admit that we trust in men. And we also would HAVE to admit that we put our trust in UNINSPIRED MEN at that.
Are you trying to go somewhere with that line of apostate logic?
Psalms 146:3 (KJV)
"Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help."
Well, that CLEARLY doesn't apply to the Governing Body, because didn't you hear the tape? They LUV you, they worry about you, and PRAY REALLY HARD for you: sometimes past 5 pm! They're working HARRDD, and it's REALLY HARRDD....
Reminds me of SNL's Will Forte jabbing Bush on the presidential debate (which I can't find on-line, grrrr).