A JW told me the reason why the protestors at the Tacoma Dome District Conventions are gone.

by AndersonsInfo 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • AndersonsInfo

    A JW, who I know and trust, sent me the following email:

    "This year in Tacoma I met a man at a retail store who said the Watchtower Society’s NWT Bible changed the original scriptures, especially John 1:1. He told me he owned all the old WT publications, including Studies in the Scriptures. Seems his non-JW uncle had collected them. He knew everything about Charles Taze Russell’s printing beginnings and that the International Bible Student’s religion began from Millerite teachings, of which Russell was a student.

    "When I next met him, he told me he had been one of the protestors at the Tacoma Dome for many years and that he is a Catholic. I told him I’d noticed that a few years ago the protestors disappeared from outside the Tacoma Dome and I wondered why—perhaps the Internet had something to do with it? Those attending, like me, had thought protestors were all disfellowshipped, disgruntled JW’s, the “evil slave” class, but that’s really not true according to him. People from various faiths came to protest the JW teachings and hold up signs telling people to “read your Bible, not the Watchtower” “JW’s are not really Christians” etc., he said.

    "A few years ago, the last time this fellow called the organizer to find out about protest arrangements, he found out the protest was cancelled. He was shocked to find out the group had been threatened with arrest. Seems the WT complained to the city of Tacoma that they didn’t like people standing on the sidewalk with signs and handing out free leaflets taking them to task about their own teachings—witnessing, if you will. So the city fathers said they’d handle it and they threatened the protest organizer with public arrest for showing up to protest. That stopped legitimate, peaceful protest against Jehovah’s Witnesses and theWBTS. He was really shocked that his “free speech” right was taken away by Watchtower who supposedly fought for their own free speech in the courts.

    "So, if it was successful in Tacoma, you can bet Watchtower has tried to use this tactic of intimidation in other US cities ever since. In some places this tactic has worked; in others, it hasn't."

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I'm not surprised - the Watchtower society is about as hypocritical as can be

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    The story rings true, in that JWs don't actually believe in 1st amendment rights of others, including their own family members and relatives who feel compelled to express differing ideas; if they dare to exercise their rights on others, they will be shunned for apostacy.

    However, the threat of arrest rings bogus, and stinks to high heaven of a lie (protesters often DO need to get a city permit, in advance: that is true. The city has a right to pre-arrange the details of protests, such as location, times, etc to maintain public safety). Did they obtain a permit first?

    But what a great story it would make for the papers, if true: JWs AND City officials should be embarrassed by the adverse publicity.

    However, some protesters would have to be willing to be arrested to know if it would actually happen (after getting a city permit, of course: I'm betting they didn't, and hence why the city threatened to arrest them).

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    What Tacoma official did the WTS bribe?

  • Bobcat

    AndersonsInfo said: (from what another said)

    "People from various faiths came to protest the JW teachings"

    I noticed that at the Jax, Fla DC this year. There was just a single individual speaking loudly, saying to read John 8:24. I think most witnesses took him to be an "apostate" and ignored him. But I think he was simply from a local church voicing his view. Incidentally, I started to open my Bible to see what John 8:24 was about, but the crossing guard motioned for our group to cross. The preacher noticed though and started saying; 'That's right, open your Bibles and see ...'

    Curiously, the next day there was a very large brother sitting on the bench where the man was the day before. The brother basically took up the whole bench. When we came up to cross the street there (which was in front of the entrance), I kidded the brother that he was there to block the street preacher (which I knew he was there for that). He denied it and said he was 'just sitting there.' When I replied that the man was simply doing what we do, the brother replied; 'Yea but he was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.' (Which told me that he WAS there to block the preacher.

    On the freedom of speech front, that's interesting. The Legally Defending booklet makes out that all Americans should be grateful for the freedoms that the WT won 'for all.'

  • Glander

    As I recall, the Tacoma Dome venue was mentioned here before re: the lucrative parking fees the WTS collected during the event.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Bobcat said:

    "On the freedom of speech front, that's interesting. The Legally Defending booklet makes out that all Americans should be grateful for the freedoms that the WT won 'for all.'"

    Pfffftttt... As if THAT'S why they did it, as their form of protecting the constitution for their fellow Amerikuns.

    I've seen that logic, and it's fallacious, disingenuous, intentionally misleading, and no doubt done to quell the nagging doubts some JWs must feel over being free-loaders in their communities, not engaging in any civic participation activities (voting, military, volunteer work, donating blood, habitat for humanity, etc). They can point to freedom of speech cases, and say "see, we did THAT!", oblivious to the fact they don't give free speech rights to their OWN members, let alone any other individual.

    The WT Society is trapped in a catch-22 with their neutrality stance, and this is their attempt to "serve two masters".

    ".' When I replied that the man was simply doing what we do, the brother replied; 'Yea but he was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.' (Which told me that he WAS there to block the preacher."

    Ohhh, I firgit that JWs think buying a cheap suit embues one with powers to preach, lol! And don't forget the hair gel!

  • Gayle

    Most city news articles about the JW conventions, show how many millions of dollars the JWs are bringing into the local city, for hotels, restaurants, etc. and how the business people like that. So they 'dangle' the money value to the city/businesses. I am wondering if the JWs somewhat make a 'deal' that they don't want protestors allowed around their convention site/arenas - or a round-about threat that the JWs will just go to another city instead.

    Also, it seems when there are news articles about them and their convention, the newspaper doesn't have a "Comments" section anymore (as done in the past). I think the WT won't allow a PR article if the newspaper usually allows a "Comments." In the past, most comments were extremely negative about WT/JWs.

  • Glander

    Tacoma has struggled to draw outside revenue events for many years. It seems a lot of folks are put off by the famous "aroma of Tacoma". the Dome is old and decrepit. It comes cheap and is near millions of people. Perfect for a dog eared, tired religious cult that is in it's last days.

  • designs

    A Catholic telling a JW to read their Bible and examine their teachings? lol That's almost to pathetic to comment on.

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