Jeff, your thoughts?
The Way Things are, Not How You'd Like Them To Be
by AllTimeJeff 26 Replies latest jw friends
It's not that I care whether or not someone wants JWs to go away. I wish they weren't around. If I can point out one difference, someone like Randy Watters wants to help those who want to help themselves. That exposé of what the JWs are really is way more powerful than internal movements IMO.
Lets pretend for a moment that a group or movement did bring down JWs. What would you be left with? People in need of help. Bitter people who would try to start their own cult.
If you must, go for it if that's your calling. I personally feel its a waste of time, but more power to you for the attempt.
We agree, Jeff. I don't believe in wasting my time trying to empty a swimming pool with a teacup! The WT$ is't going anywhere soon. (except maybe out of Brooklyn). I'm new in my journey out and have much to learn. I only wish I knew what I know now 50 years ago!
The youth need access to accurate info in order to make an informed decision to break the "born in" cycle. ~3rdgen
Yes, and it's there...they have to want it bad enough. Sadly, they won't get it from living a life of conformity to the religion. Everyone must be their own advocate...even when raised in. It's very unfair. And very difficult to wake up. But we've done it!
It is a huge consolation to me that my little ones will not be raised in the religion/cult. I broke that cycle and it feels liberating and empowering. I feel that this is a huge gift to them. I may not be able to 'take down' this corrupt organization, but in my life I have taken it down..
Still hoping that my family will wake up one day. They have that choice every day of their lives.
Sauerkraut PLEASE don't send that letter.
Avoiding the DF label will at least provide some options to your mum or other friends should they ever want to spend time with you at some point in the future. You can always send the letter, but you will not be able to retract it once sent.
Stop going to meetings, avoid the Memorial, never knock on another door, refuse to talk to elders and if you're ever confronted by an elder attempting to disfellowship you, lie through your teeth. Remember the Rahab article? You do not have to give truth to those not entitled to it.
By writing the letter you are still playing by THEIR rules. They do not own you. They have zero entitlement to your heart. What you believe is none of their f***ing business. Get them out of your life on YOUR terms. You spent years dancing to their sick tunes, don't dance anymore.
cult classic
In my world the way things are has taken an unexpected turn. Word has gotten around that we don't believe it and are not going back. When we left we had a short list of those we wanted to maintain contact with. We were willing to take a loss on everyone else. I've gotten some family out.
Oddly, some friends have not stopped their children from spending time with us. I have full access and plan tons of summer fun. I can only take their willingness to allow their children to hang out with us as a sign that they want their children out of the cult. Unable to come to grips with cognitive dissonance in themselves, they're allowing me to have an influence on their children socially.
I would love to always be able to hold full court press and voice my disdain for the cult. With these kids I have to calculate my words carefully. This was a great summer. I saw a lightbulb go off in a couple of the kids eyes. Beautiful thing to see. I hope they make it out.