So me and my friend were on the phone and somehow (I can't remember) we got on the subject of mental illness...oh okay, I was actually talking about my family, and I was telling her that I didnt know if I wanted to have children because there is so much unstableness in my family. She said that God created mental illness to help people to understand people better????? WTF???? I just agreed with her, because when I tell people why I dont agree with the concept of god or god(s) everyone gets offended. So I decide that for now on its just best to keep my mouth shut. But I couldnt believe what I was hearing. Mental Illness is a creation from our loving god to help people?????? Seriously????? What about all the sucidies and murders that have resulted because of mental illness, mental retardation, etc? I swear people nowadays. No wonder I'm such a loner.
So God allows mental illness to exist to help people? (Please read)
by Joliette 12 Replies latest jw friends
finally awake
Don't forget, God also created pedophiles to give kids something to overcome. Sick sick sick. If God actually existed, I'd be obliged to hate him.
^ Couldnt agree more.
This is a sensitive point, I believe.
Can you be sure that "unstableness" was inherited?
Beyond that, it is probably safe to say that few people in the world do not carry some deleterious mutation. I can understand why some people wouldn't want to pass "bad genes" to their children, but I wonder if anyone can actually feel sure that his/her children won't be inheriting a bad gene.
Now, God didn't create anything :-).
I guess they believe that God created cancer to teach people how to endure pain and death..........
@ Blondie, I know, right?
@ DGP, what do you mean?
There is a lot of unstableness on both sides of my family, even my step-dad's side. Lotta mental illness, alcoholism, drug use, etc. I'm almost positive that if I had children, something bad would pass on to them.
still thinking
There are no guarantees in life...and when we have children they are a random mix of both parents gene pools.
I believe some types of mental illness are hereditory...but it is not 100% definate that they will be passed on. We all take our chances when it comes to having children and hope that they will be healthy and happy. It's an individual choice whether to or not. Neither decision is wrong. It is up to you.
My oldest friend has bi polar, her family has a history of depression and all sorts of menatal illness on both sides, mother and father. Her sister suffers from severe depression, and her brother is schizophrenic. Her daughter suffers from depression, but her other daughter does not.
I have a strong predisposition to addiction, alcoholism is strong in my family. But it only seems to effect random people. Who knows why. I have 3 children, I would say my daughter is predisposed to addiction. My son, barely interested in drinking, and my youngest..don't know yet.
I'm not sure how many 'perfect' families there are out there...but if this was what we based our decisions on many children would never have been born, including me. I'm glad my mother didn't decide she shouldn't have children.
Stillthinking I enjoyed your post and thanks for your encouraging words.
I'm still tripped out at my friend implying that mental illness is a blessing? WTF? I wish I didnt go through what I went through growing up. I wish I could have been normal. The Jehovahs Witness stuff just made it 10X worse.
still thinking
Yeah...well, most of that god stuff trips me out these days...LOL