Thanks for asking rather be in hades,
I am not rushing into anything as of yet. With today's Watchtower study though, it definitely turned things up a notch. Seeing the logical fallies, scriptures out of context, and hate being encouraged towards those "apostates" (former friends who have disagreed) really angered me. The Society used blanket statements to paint all those who diagree as "Jehovah's enemies". It made me want to disassociate myself right then and there, rather than fading.
It's not an easy situation as I have had my entire association revolved around witnesses in "good standing". At this time I am branching out to co-workers and former friends in high school (thank goodness I wasn't home-schooled). I have also reached out to inactive witnesses who I know are never coming back and getting their take on things. The toughest thing I've had to deal with is my wife's family. She has a pioneer mother and I am pretty certain she would shun the both of us if we chose to fade. I continue praying and waiting for the right pieces to mend before the break away, thanks again rather be in hades.