New YouTube video: Candace Conti tells her story
by cedars 38 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
This was uploaded by Juan Viejo2 a few hours ago. The video features brief introductory remarks from Cynthia Hampton, before Candace tells us more about her motivations to pursue the legal action.
excellent - great to hear from Candace in person - looking forward to the next sections..
her call to action is clear -
if you have any reason to believe you have been a victim of child sexual abuse by a Jehovahs Witness contact an attorney and ask them to Google Candace Conti
Thanks for posting. It was great to see the face behind the case. She seems like a great girl. I notice it says part 1, so I am assuming there is more, maybe the question and answer session that probably followed her talk.
Yes alanv - as I understand it, this is just the first of a series of videos. I will post the following videos as they are uploaded.
The Oracle
Very good, indeed.
Good reference to a "one-two punch" and the fact that they now have a "bloody nose" and we need to continue to attack them.
Looking forward to hearing more and more people come forward with their stories.
I am hoping something similar happens with the high percentage of mental illness cases and suicides among Jehovah's Witnesses.
Thanks Cedars.
Thank you Cedars
if you have any reason to believe you have been a victim of child sexual abuse by a Jehovahs Witness contact an attorney and ask them to Google Candace Conti