New Light on Blood Fractions

by The Searcher 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Below is my copy of a now very rare handout[1] provided by Watchtower to Hospital Liaison Committee members for their own use and to distribute for others to use as needed.


    Is there anything more current?

  • Bobcat

    "If you do not have a good reason that you can explain, you should not say 'no' to things."

    Where is the logic in this? What about Romans 14:23?:

    (NWT) But if he has doubts, he is already condemned if he eats, because [he does] not [eat] out of faith. Indeed, everything that is not out of faith is sin. . .

    (NLT) But if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning.

    (GW) But if a person has doubts and still eats, he is condemned because he didn't act in faith. Anything that is not done in faith is sin.

    It would seem that the more they try to walk a tight rope on blood, the more condemned they become.

    Thanks for bringing this out Searcher. If you find more info, please let it be seen.

  • TD
    Where is the logic in this? What about Romans 14:23?....:
    (NWT) But if he has doubts, he is already condemned if he eats, because [he does] not [eat] out of faith. Indeed, everything that is not out of faith is sin. . .

    It's an interesting paradox.

    Taken separately Judaism and (Mainstream) Christianity arrive at virtually identical moral conclusions. Neither has a problem with transfusion medicine.

    But what an explosive mix the Jewish emphasis on minute details of Law and the Christian willingness to treat all laws as equal are when they're fused together!

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    There's the PDF that I have posted before for JW parents to 'protect your children from the misuse of blood'. But that doctrine I have heard and reported before (about a year ago). The HLC does indeed tell us this and the WTBTS doesn't even want to get involved when children are involved.

  • binadub

    Is it okay for JWs to donate blood for blood fractions?
    Especially for use by JWs in need?


  • Bobcat


    It's an interesting paradox.

    I agree. If they just dispensed with the whole blood policy - but they can't do that. They would enter a legal abyss. Instead, they try to keep up the mirage that they haven't changed their stance on blood, but at the same time, change their stance on blood.

    It's amazing to see them dispense with Scriptural principals (aka Rom 14:23) for the sake of their charade. (Not that I don't put it past them, but it is amazing to see it, knowing how I used to view them.) The longer they try to keep this up, the farther into left field they have to go.

    Take Care

  • Vanderhoven7

    Binadub: <<Is it okay for JWs to donate blood for blood fractions? Especially for use by JWs in need?>>

    No. Storing ones blood is sinful according to the WTS.

    Funny though how JWS can benefit from sinfully stored blood donated by non-JWs....leachs that they are.

    Funnier yet is the fact that they can store relatively small amounts of blood for testing purposes.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    In the Aug 2006 Awake It states that scince blood fractions are not mentioned in the bible
    it's a conscience choice, clearly there wasn't any basis

    Oh, Jeez. Let's see what else could be a conscience choice - driving a car, going out on field service, obeying the governing body, cooking in a Teflon-coated pan......should I go on.

    Oh, wait - "Donation" is not in the bible either...

  • steve2

    So JWs must not donate blood, nor must they receive blood (so far, 10 out of 10 for acting in accord with religious beliefs). However,they can receive fractionated blood (e.g., Factor X for treating hemophilia) that has been donated by non-JWs (zero out of 10 for acting in accord with religious beliefs).

  • Sheep2slaughter

    I don't know how to post documents to the forum. But I have a KM insert that is similar to the one Blondie linked to. I can email it to someone if they want to make it available here.

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