James Penton.
I wonder... Who are the top apostates the Watchtower HATES the most?
by Greybeard 84 Replies latest jw friends
Some of the star "apostates" of yesteryear--most of whom have moved on from Internet forums.
In the 1980s-1990s, I think the list might have looked something like this:♦Carl Olof Jonsson
♦Ray Franz
♦Kent Steinhaug
♦Jan Haugland
♦Leonard Creighton
♦David ReedCarl Olof Jonsson ("Gentile Times Reconsidered," "Signs of the Last Days--When?") for initially exposing the WTS flawed 1914 chronology and bringing it to the GB's attention (which influenced Ray Franz in the long run).
Ray Franz for exposing the corruption of the Governing Body in writing "Crisis of Conscience" and subsequently "In Search of Christian Freedom."
NorwegiansKent Steinhaug and Jan(pronounced 'Yawn') Haugland for publishing the first major Web sites ("Watchtower Observer" and "All Along the Watchtower") which exposed the false history and doctrines of the Watchtower in a huge way at a time when Jehovah's Witnesses were not used to being exposed in a medium they could not control due to the new-age Internet's advantage of offering anonymity. "Watchtower Observer" was the "jwfacts" forum of that time. Steinhaug and Haugland worked with an exJW who shall remain unnamed to publish the "secret Elder's Manual" on the Internet, for which the Society tried to sue them. Steinhaug was even featured in a third-party published book about dissent against Jehovah's Witnesses.
"Rick", a closet JW for WT reform whose threaded discussion forum,H2O, rocked the foundations of the WTS so bad that even some of their hierarchy appeared on the board anonymously to plead with some of the more active participants there. There was substantial that the WT monitored every word on that forum such as does not exist today. All major "apostate" participants on that forum were known by their monikers to the WTS. Very few still post on the forums today.
Leonard Creighten for his video "Witnesses of Jehovah," possibly the first video exposé that featured such "apostates" as Ray Franz, Peter Gregerson and showed demonstrations against the Watchtower in which James Penton and Carl Olof Jonsson made cameo appearances. That video has been re-published on U-tube and it can be viewed at this link (about an hour long):
www.utube.com/watch?v=0DnpOcD529g&feature=relatedDavid Reed for his Website and publications like "Index of Watchtower Errors" (one of my original favorites).
Randy Watters and James Penton.There are probably names I'm missing who would be familiar to the exJW old-timers. But these were some of the pioneer giants of exJWism when it was fledgling.
Re: James Penton, back in around the 1980 s, there is an awake magazine cover showing drawings of a string of apostates. The first in line was a drawn portrait of James Penton. I always tried to find someone that could find that magazine and put it on line here.
Also I want to mention the authors of The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses. authored by Heather and Gary Botting.
Also there was another, I can't remember his name right now. He was in Brooklyn Bethel, back in Knorr's day, He too I believe wrote a book. He and his wife, were active in Evangelical group. Grace Gough perhaps could remember his name.
Also I want to mention Richard Rawe, from Washington state.
I don't want the old timers to be forgotten.
The Oracle
Hats off to all the super apostates of years gone by.
We could still use more - the battle is long and challenging but the progress is good.
We are winning, but we can't let up.
Peace to all,
The Oracle
I have it on good authority they are really mad at jehusha mecheshua
Hi Belbab:
I'll bet Jim has a copy of that old Awake.
I remember hearing alot about Gary Botting.
Know Richard well; he is still active (occasionally on Six Screens phone--the man with the scratchy voice).I'm like you, I think someone should write a book to commorate the pioneer "apostates" (no WT pun intended). They swam against the current when support was almost non-existent.
BRCI as an organization should be mentioned, too.
~Binadub (aka Ros)
Rick Fearon . . . no question.
Re: Penton
When I was on my own, for a long time before the 'net, all I had was the library. His writings were helpful That's all. ;)
And really, coming from a family so entrenched ... I can relate.