The transformation into cult religion: Jehovah's Witness empire in 15 steps

by Terry 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    There are only 15 steps from a widely scattered readership of 2nd Adventist speculations published by Pastor Russell into a world wide monolithic control cult.

    It reads like a Machievellian discourse of Absolute Power:

    1. Nine years after the death of Pastor Russell his publishing company was being operated by an editorial committee which would review articles pre-publication for the Watchtower society.
    In 1925 the President of this society (Rutherford) offered up an article of extreme controversy. It was titled The Birth of the Nation . The editorial committee (Russell had created) would not approve it. Rutherford would not permit changes. He was outnumbered in the vote!

    2. Rutherford removed all opposing members from the committee and published the article anyway! Dishonestly, the "Judge" pretended publicly that no such high-handed action by him had ever happened. He allowed the names of the removed members to continue to appear as editors for the next six years!
    Rutherford controlled absolutely the "faithful and discreet slave" throne of dictatorial supremacy. Inside the corporation he could plot the takeover of local congregations (called ecclesias) to wield his will there as well.

    3.With no input outside of his own, Judge Rutherford next turned his attention to the independent local congregations begun by devotees of Pastor Russell (Russellites, International Bible Students).
    Russell had been dead set against outside control for these congregations. No list of members existed. Local deacons and elders were elected by voting. However, Judge Rutherford craved total control. He came up with a method of replacing local elections. It was subtle, clever and effective.
    Local congregations had been asked to register as service organizations with the Watch Tower Society. This gave Rutherford the list of targets for takeover!

    4. A Service Director (not subject to yearly election) was appointed to "visit" these target congregations. Rutherford's man on the scene could usurp local control in this way by "helpfully" organizing the preaching work, assigning territory and encouraging participation in the field work in the congregation.

    5.What pretext would Rutherford use to convince local congregations they needed such control?It was the colporteur work begun by Russell. It was to be enlarged and concern itself with all Watchtower books and magazines rather than the Studies in the Scriptures 7 volume sets as before. Thus, the actual purpose of the door to door work was a ruse to link up Judge Rutherford with complete autonomy over local congregations under the pretense of making the preaching work more organized.

    6.Little by little every targeted congregation had its own public discourses side railed and replaced.
    Bible studies were disconnected and Rutherford's own Watchtower Studies (replacing the bible) substituted. Group control was sought and unified indoctrination. Rutherford wanted all congregations on the same page; his page with his ideas.

    7. The system of local elective elders was completely eradicated and replaced by something now called a Service Committee. These men took their marching orders from Brooklyn, NY.
    "The Theocracy is at present administered by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, of which Judge Rutherford is the president and general manager." Consolation p.25

    8. Rutherford sought to create a famous brand name religion by a method of churning publicity out of throwing people of conscience willy-nilly into dangerous situations. (Avoiding military service, refusing blood transfusions, ridiculing other religions, railing against political parties, refusals to salute the flag, decrying the cross, etc.) JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES was the brand and it smacks of Rutherford's legal background influence. It was a legalist cult being built.

    9. Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom as having arrived in 1914 and warning of the impending event Armageddon was the "public face". There was a private face, however. Corporations acquire legitimacy by earning a profit. In the case of a religious corporation the "profit" must not appear as mere monetary gain.

    10. The Watch Tower Corporation had to generate a kind of marvelous "machine" you could pour money into and make it disappear in the form of the preaching work while avoiding all taxes.
    Watchtower rank-and-file members would be used as volunteer labor staying very busy appearing to be doing something important. What they were really doing was generating publicity which served to hide the actual purpose of the Watch Tower corporation.
    CONSTANT EXPANSION was the key! This was a kind of maniacal pyramid scheme to grow and grow ahead of the curve of waves of cash.

    11. Every once and awhile a GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE would have to be run. This would be in the form of date setting. Date setting (determining when Armageddon was to arrive) was an Investment.

    The publicity was golden.
    The threat level was heightened.
    The cash flow was extraordinary.
    The need for more investment property increased. The grip of absolute power was made real.
    The downside was practically nil!!
    Weak members were eliminated and replaced by eager recruits.

    12.To the rank-and-file there was no Bill of Rights. The could be worked to death grinding out book and magazine sales. In fact, they had no choice but to comply since their very identity as Jehovah's Witnesses depended on demonstrations of door to door sales and hours devoted.

    13. An outside body of apostates could be created as a target for vilification that served to drain off anger as a target away from the Governing Body itself. This Apostate group would feel the brunt of frustrations and not the actual perpetrator's of date-setting fraud.

    14. A mindset of cognitive dissonance would be reinforced because anybody who stayed would have to justify being made a fool of for believing in the Faithful and Discreet Slave nonsense in the first place.

    15. Any slowdown in the worldwide conversions would be a bonus since it would "signal the end" of the preaching work was drawing near and that would mean Armageddon really was imminent!

    In just fifteen steps a scattered readership of 2nd Adventists keen on End Times articles were transformed into 7 million cult adherents in the absolute grip of Governing Body authority!

  • Terry

    On pages 138-139 (Proclaimers book), the March 1, 1925 Watch Tower's feature article is quoted:

    A real milestone was reached, therefore, in 1925, when The Watch Tower of March 1 featured the article "Birth of the Nation." It presented an eye-opening study of Revelation chapter 12. The article set forth evidence that the Messianic Kingdom had been born--established--in 1914, that Christ had then begun to rule on his heavenly throne, and that thereafter Satan had been hurled from heaven down to the vicinity of the earth. This was the good news that was to be proclaimed, the news that God's Kingdom was already in operation. How this enlightened understanding stimulated these Kingdom proclaimers to preach to the ends of the earth!"
    The above article Birth of the Nation is the THE article the editorial committee was adamant NOT to publish! Can you guess why?
    Rutherford was going against Russell's START DATE of 1874 (for which there was no "real world event") and pushing it up to 1914.
    Faithful readers of Watchtower and faithful followers of Russell's chronologies pushed back hard! Rutherford had to waver eventually. At least for awhile.
    Prophecy (published in 1929) on pages 65 and 66 it clearly states:
    The Scriptural proof is that the second presence of the Lord Jesus Christ began in 1874 A.D. This proof is specifically [spelled] out in the booklet entitled Our Lord's Return.
    In the 1930's Fred Franz was pushing the NEW starting date.
    Frederick Franz wrote in 1973, in the Society's book, God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years." On page 209, paragraph 55, he says:
    In the year 1943 the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society published the book The Truth Shall Make You Free. In its chapter 11, entitled "The Count of the Time," it did away with the insertion of 100 years into the period of the Judges and went according to the oldest and most authentic reading of Acts 13:20, and accepted the spelled-out numbers of the Hebrew Scriptures. This moved forward the end of six thousand years of man's existence to the decade of the 1970's. Naturally this did away with the year 1874 C.E. as the date of return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the beginning of his invisible presence or parousia.
    A religion that teaches lies cannot be true."
    --The Watchtower, 1 December 1991, page 7
  • RayPublisher

    Great summary of key events Terry. It reminds me of Cliff Notes of the Gruss book about the 4 Presidents of the WTS.

  • whathappened

    I loved the "Going out of business sale" line you used. How truthful in it's simplicity this line is.

  • Aware!

    Terry: You're on fire!

  • darth frosty
  • Sheep2slaughter

    Man I came in this thread a few minutes ago...left cuz its been a long stressful day and I really didn't feel like reading that much info. I came back in and all I can say is

    "Very nice article Terry. Your killin it lately."

  • Terry

    I loved the "Going out of business sale" line you used. How truthful in it's simplicity this line is.

    I use to live in Los Angeles years ago and on the way to work each day I'd pass a Persian Rug business with a permanent sign that said:

    "Going out of Business since 1977". I kid you not!

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